Chapter 16

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| somewhere |

"Here they come..."

"Everyone, get ready!"


"Keep up the pace!!"


"Tsk! They're getting closer..."

"Don't die!"


"What should we do?!"


"We can't keep this up,"

"Cover a retreat!"

"We have an advantage in the waters! Get them quickly before they get us!"

"Tsk! Call for backup!"

Thus, various sounds of flesh, people shouting, metals clashing, and water splashing can be heard throughout the scene.


|Forest of Jura |

"Rimuru-sama," someone suddenly appeared behind behind Rimuru and spoke to him as he was guiding the agriculture trainees. The man then bowed his head down, his right arm placed on his left shoulder with his left arm behind his back.

"Hm? What's up?" he asked as he stopped doing what he was previously doing and turned to face the man.

"Some Lizardmen were spotted on the way our borders," he reported.

"Lizardmen?" Rimuru repeated, ( Hmm, I'm getting irrated, somehow...)

He sighed before speaking, "Do we know their intentions?"

A bead of sweat formed on the man's forehead as he lowered his head down in shame, "N-no clue at all, Rimuru-sama..."

(Hmm, well, that's no good...) Rimuru thought. "Stay alarmed and find out their intentions. Until then, spy on them and find information of their ability just in case they are plotting something evil," he said as he squinted his eyes, a dangerous red glint spotted on his eyes.

"As you ordered," he bowed once again and disappeared as fast as he appeared.

(Hmm... I sense trouble... and an upcoming headache. Ugh...) Rimuru thought to himself, "Yoshi, everyone. Let's stop today's session here. We'll see each other again tomorrow, at the same time."

"Hai!" The goblins responded and began to go to their respective homes.


Rimuru's Pov:

We're progressing quickly. Monsters sure do adapt and learn quickly to stuff, huh...

How intriguing... I wouldn't have to guide them next time.

I wonder how the ogres are doing...


Ah, speaking of...

Those orcs...

Hmm, "Souei." I said, and almost immediately, he appeared.

Kneeling beside me, he had his head pointed to the ground,

"Hai, Rimuru-sama?"

He said, with his usual calm but serious tone with no expression displayed on his face.

"Report on the orcs?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Hai, they are currently engaging in a battle with the Lizardmen in their territory, the Marshlands." He reported.

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