Barry or Harry?

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Clary, Persey, Ezra, Carol, Rosetta, Harry, Adam, Barry and Emile are sat in Maths class.The teacher has left to deal with another class.

Ezra: So it's cool for me to just sit here right?
Clary: Chill will you, he said yes now calm your butt down! Persey: Hey Harry!Harry: WHHHHAAAAT!?Persey: Did you see that film on last night, you know the movie franchise that's lasted way too long.Harry: Don't even remind me. He's what 65, I need one more round... You bloody said that what three films ago, what is this like seven?!
Ezra: What's this?
Carol: Shhh... we do not speak it's name, it upsets Harry too much.
Rosetta suddenly shakes herself off.
Rosetta: The hell happened!? Who's he!?
Carol:.... No......
Adam: All of you shut up! The teachers coming!

The whole class goes silent a the teacher steps in, and begins to teach his lesson. Having to speak to people a few times.Suddenly Stacia and Fiona walk in.Both: Sorry we're late sir.

Both: Sorry we're late sir.

They both sit on the desk behind Ezra.

Persey: Where the frig have you two been!?
Stacia: Mate I have no idea.
Fiona: I don't even know anymore, we saw things man.... Terrible things....
Clary: What do you mean?
Stacia: Teachers.... twerking... brain... imploding....

Everyone cringes in disgust.

Ezra: Oh dats nasty.

Fiona: We have video footage.... When sir leaves, I'll plug my phone into the laptop and stream it onto the projector.
Rosetta: I don't know, what if we get caught.
Harry: Come on, we'll be fine.

Suddenly the teacher hears a loud banging from next door and runs out.

Stacia: Go! Go! Go!

Fiona plugs in her phone and starts streaming the footage, two teachers are twerking in the staff room.

Clary: IT BURNS!
Emile: I've seen worse....

Half the class try to run out. The teacher suddenly comes in and looks at the screen, An awkward silence follows, Fiona who is still at the front, smiles nervously.

Fiona: Oh I'm so screwed....
Teahcer: Fiona!

After class.

Persey: You're lucky you only got off with a warning.
Fiona: What are you my mum!?
Persey: Bitch I might be!
Fiona: Wh-What?
Persey: Never mind ignore me, this weeks been weird. And some stuff was bought up you know.Fiona: Like what?
Persey: They're coming over today...


Ezra: I thought there was only one classroom in this library.
Harry: No I told you, there are about six.
Ezra: Why!?
Harry: Cause this school is rich as, now answer my question would ya?
Ezra: What was the question sorry?
Harry: What's that gold thing sticking out of your shirt, and just underneath your tie.

Ezra pulls out a chain, of which attached to it is a bullet.

Ezra: Oh you mean this.
Ezra: Yeah.... Don't worry it's not something sadistic or anything, it was my grandfathers, who served in the war.
Harry: Oh that's cool!
Ezra: Yeah, he gave it to me to keep, a few days before he died, said I could do anything I wanted with it, but don't get rid of it.
Harry: Oh, Persephone has one.
Ezra: Really, how do you know?
Harry: The girl changing room banter....

Ezra: Hey Harry?
Barry: I said Harry, not Barry.
Harry: You called?
Barry: No he called me!
Harry: What are you trying to insinuate mate.
Ezra: No I said Harry.
Barry: See he said Barry.
Harry: Our names sound the same and he's not saying it properly, just point to which one of us you wanted to talk to!
Ezra: I am saying it properly.
Barry: You're a yank of course you are!
Ezra: Hey!
Harry: EZRA!

Ezra quickly points to Harry.
Barry: Oh I see how it is!
Ezra: Barry I'm sorry.
Barry: Dammit Ezra I was joking.

Ezra(I don't understand English humour at all....)Ezra sighs.

Harry: So what did you want to ask?
Ezra: I've seen a few people walking around with these brown cases, like Stacia, Clary, Persephone and Fiona have them, should I have one? do you have one? what are they for?!
Harry: Calm down. The Art students have them, it's an art set, with pencils and paints and stuff.
Ezra: Oh...
Harry: Wow, you have a lot to learn.
Harry smacks Ezra's back. They suddenly realize it's been silent for a while and turn around.Everyone is stifling laughs.
Adam: Hey Ezra! Barry or Harry!?
Ezra: Oh shut up!
Emile: Lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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