nineteen. favourite person

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(    ⋆·˚ ༘ *  IN BETWEEN , WALKER SCOBELL     )
❝ you're my favourite person ever ❞

(    ⋆·˚ ༘ *  IN BETWEEN , WALKER SCOBELL     )❝ you're my favourite person ever ❞

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"YOU KNOW, YOU REALLY DID A GOOD JOB ON TAKING CARE OF YOUR CURLS." rowan told me, twirling a curl with her finger. i sat in my chair which had my characters name at the back of it while rowan stood in front of me. my hands were on her waist while she played with my hair.

"thanks row. i learn from the best." i gave her a smile and she grinned. rowan and leah taught me how to take care of my curls when i was filming for percy jackson. thank god for them, my curls look so much better now.

"rowan! walker! time to film the scene!" greta yelled at us and rowan dragged me over to our spots. today we had to film the kiss scene and we were fine by it because it wasn't the first time..

and definitely not the last.

"3..2..1 action!"

we said our lines and the cue for us to kiss slowly came up. i grabbed rowan's wrist, twirling her around and she smiled at me. we stared into each others eyes for a moment before i leaned in, pressing my lips on hers.

it was like a natural instinct at this point so it wasn't awkward. "and cut!" greta yelled and we stayed like for a second more before pulling away.

rebecca and matt had grins on their faces. we walked towards them, matt dabbing me up. "you already know fans are going to ask you if you liked your kiss with rowan."

"yeah, and i'm going to say yes." i smoothly said, wrapping my arm around rowan. she playfully glares up at me. someone walked up to us. "hey rowan?"

we turned to see phoebe standing there, playing with the rings on her fingers. rowan gave the girl a small smile. "hi phoebe."

"i just wanted to say sorry for everything. for the drama and stuff, it was unnecessary to fight over a boy." phoebe apologizes, looking up at rowan. "is there any way for you to forgive me?"

rowan glances at me and i motioned for her to say something. she turns her head and smiles at phoebe. "i believe in second chances, so yes. i forgive you phoebe and i'm sorry as well."

phoebe grinned and rowan wrapped her in a hug. "thank god! now we can have a trio!" rebecca exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the two girls.

they laughed while matt and i watched.


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