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what's good skittle squad (what the fuck.) cole drabble today >_< (this shit awkward af)

HOW DO YOU WRITE DRABBLE HELLO??? (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)⁠・⁠・⁠・

i did research on kinks before writing this :3 (I'm crying)

gender neutral kinda idk I'm so bad at writing now I'm gonna cry 😞

song of the day gang 🗣️🔥‼️: do i wanna know? ~ arctic monkeys (monkey kid reference)

okay enough rambling I'll start writing 😟

⛧ ~ Cole Brookstone, a strong man who is quite down to earth (especially when he's on his knees >_<) ~ ⛧

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⛧ ~ Cole Brookstone, a strong man who is quite down to earth (especially when he's on his knees >_<) ~ ⛧

⛧ ~ Speaking of him being on his knees, this man is the most STRANGEST person when it comes to screwing, he switches from top to bottom constantly, always catching you off guard with how often he does it, he can never just stay in one position. ~ ⛧

⛧ ~  One moment you'll be edging him while he's begging and whining at you with puppy dog eyes to let him empty himself out and then the next he's got you down on your knees pretty much getting his pay back ~ ⛧

⛧ ~ Though Cole may be an absolute BEAST when it comes to his strength, he does his best to be gentle with you when it comes to the bedroom <3 ~ ⛧

⛧ ~ Maybe sometimes he'll be a teeny bit rough with you if you ask him to... But he'll make sure you both have a safe word so you can tell him when to stop :3 ~ ⛧

⛧ ~ Aftercare at all? This man will do whatever to make sure you're happy after your session, when it's cuddling, when it's running a bath for you, when it's carrying you around (I'll write a list hold on) ~ ⛧

⛧ ~ Helping you get changed <3
⛧ ~ Running a bath for you <3
⛧ ~ Helping you get changed <3
⛧ ~ He'll tell Wu that you're so sick to the point you can't stand (if he's done that to you skdjahdj) and that he has to take care of you to get you out of training <3
⛧ ~ Getting you a cup of tea/coffee <3
⛧ ~ Making you something (this poor sweet boy will make you something to help you feel better but you just have to suppress the urge to cry due to his bad cooking skills </3) :3
⛧ ~ If he ends up finding out you dislike what he's made he'll get you multiple bags of tiny teddies out of the Monastery kitchen and Jay will complain and ask why they're all gone <3

⛧ ~ Does Cole have kinks? Indeed he does!! (Another list here we go...) ~ ⛧

⛧ ~ Sweat/musk kink?

After you're done with training Cole will come over to you to hug you from behind and just start to smell you since he enjoyed how you smelt after an intense training session (sometimes he'd even just lick the sweat off your neck and make you shiver) <3

⛧ ~ Overstimulation??????
I have no reason for this one but I think it suits him (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

He's gentle with you, sure! But that won't stop him from making you whimper and shake with delight if it's one of those days where he has to take his anger out on something, doing stuff which is much more relaxing for him, causing you to be the main source to calm him down and you'll just let him do almost whatever to you and that means you'll let him go rough and overstim you <3

⛧ ~ Cole is probably the least kinky out of all the Ninja and he likes it being that way... But if you want to try something with him he wouldn't oblige >_< ~ ⛧

okay gang that's the end (this made me want to bawl my eyes out im so horrible with smut unless it's on chai :/)

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okay gang that's the end (this made me want to bawl my eyes out im so horrible with smut unless it's on chai :/)

this is really bad and kinda rushed because i wanna get something out to you guys since i only really update on c.ai :p

also battling with mental health and bullies atm so updates will be slower (but they will happen ^_^)


Electric Kool Kid

TV Girl <3
↺ |◁   II   ▷|   ♡

♡ WORDS: 696 ♡

♡ WORDS: 696 ♡

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