(14) drove back home to you

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★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

"right person, wrong universe." nick read. "girl, you are better than me."

"this is actually so painful." leah said. "i deadass thought you guys were endgame."

"so did we." nick slipped.

"who's we?" ari asked.

"i said i." nick shook his head.

"you can't gaslight women, nick." leah informed. "it's biologically impossible."


that was all it took.

"okay, so, when you first broke up with matt, he thought he'd give you some space, right? he'll let you date other people, you'll be back together in 8 months tops. what he didn't take into consideration is ale." nick said. "everyone knew ale was ridiculously in love with you for as long as we could remember, but he never had the guts to actually do anything about it because at the end of the day you were his best friends sister."

"when he realized you and ale were actually getting serious, he was fucking heartbroken." he continued.

"what?" leah blinked. "he has no right to, he was the one that fucked shit up in the first place!"

"yeah, but it's matt and ari." nick excused. "no one ever thought of them breaking up. ever. and i guess that when they did, everyone expected them to get back together. i mean, we all thought ale was just a rebound."

"so he was really expecting us to get back together?"

"yeah." nick nodded surely. "you were the last relationship of his that he didn't half ass. said he wasn't gonna love anyone as much as he loved you."

"he was waiting for her?" leah asked.

"oh yeah." nick nodded. "but, god, ari! you should've seen him when you kissed ale at the parking lot."

"he saw?" ari asked.

"bitch don't lie, you wanted him to see." leah said.

"he saw." nick confirmed. "he was such a bitch to everyone for a whole week straight. he wouldn't eat properly, all he did was sleep. what's worse is that emily was in the car with us, and she saw how jealous he got."

"shit, what did she do?"

"she started blackmailing matt. threatening to release videos of him cheating on you, videos of him crying over you. just really anything to do with you."

"fuck." she got up.

"where are you going?"

she ignored their calls, grabbed her car keys, and ran to her car.

when she found herself knocking on their front door, she realized that she didn't have a plan. she prayed that it wasn't him that answered so she could buy herself some more time.

but does she ever get anything she wants? never. that's why she wasn't so surprised when it was matt that opened the door.

"ari!" he said, surprised. "nick's still at your house? i can go look-" she interrupted him with a kiss.

it took him a second to realize what was happening, but he quickly kissed her back.

his hands that were resting on her hips from when she threw herself at her gave her a little

"you can drive now, huh?" he asked, referring to the car that was lousily parked.

"i can't even parallel park." she scoffed.

"that's very evident."

"shut up." she rolled her eyes jokingly.

he pulled her in by her hips, kissing her once more.

"i'm never letting you go again." he promised. "i'm sorry, ari, i really am. i didn't mean to do what i did. we were getting serious, and i got scared and panicked and fucked up. i promise i won't do it again."

she wiped away a tear he didn't even know he shed.

"we're okay." she clarified. "i think we're more than okay. i drove back home to you."

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★


guys this is it 😔😔😔 no more ari and matt no more ari and ale no more ari and leah 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

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𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄, matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now