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˚₊‧꒰აchapter eight໒꒱ ‧₊˚

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˚₊‧꒰აchapter eight໒꒱ ‧₊˚

؂Pulling out the bandages that Mitsuya had placed on her injured fingers, Y/n placed her palm above the sink so that she can run alcohol over her bruises and wounds to disinfect them.

She hissed a bit but slowly got used to the burning sensation. After a couple of brief seconds the girl blew softly on her finger trying to cool down the uncomfortable sensation.

Putting on new and clean bandages she changed out of her pyjamas into some sweatpants and a crop top. She was waiting for her friend -Yuzuha- to come over. They hadn't really hung out last month and needed some catching up to do.

After she changed the h/c girl walked to the living room and turned on the TV as she started uninterested in what was playing. Her mind was wandering off to flashbacks of last night, when Mitsuya was over at her house.


"So what did you want to talk about Mitsu" Y/n asked leaning her back against the wall as she sat on her bed's comfortable mattress.

"It's about Toman's offer. It's been almost a month, you and your sister didn't give us any clear answer." Mitsuya stated while going and sitting next to her.

Y/n didn't know how to answer him. Sure this offer was the main talk of the captains for a few days but that was weeks ago. It was now confident to say that the matter had been forgotten.

"Ah, I'm sorry Mitsu. Is our decision holding your gang back? We just haven't decided yet. You know Toman is a well known gang and all while everyone just sees us as something that doesn't matter just because we are an all girls gang. This just holds us back.."

Y/n felt really bad that she had to lie like that to Mitsuya. The person she grew to be too attached to over the last month. She wasn't looking at him the entire time she was looking at her lap.

Mitsuya on the other hand was watching her every movement like a hawk. "Y/n.." At the call of her name the girl turned her head towards him again. "I just want you to know that I don't see you...like that.."

Disclaimer warning:make out session ahead🤠

He whispered as he got his face closer to her and placed his two fingers under her chin before capturing her lips into a heartwarming kiss. Y/n's eyes widened before she slowly closed them and this time gave in. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he swiftly pinned her down on her bed.

Her head hit her soft pillow as Mitsuya broke the kiss for a couple seconds and looked at her in the eyes.
"Is this okay?" He asked and waited patiently for her response. She nodded and with a smile he leaned down and started to nibble at her bottom lip.

He begged for her to allow him entrance as she gave in and he slid his tongue into her mouth. She gave small whimpers into the kiss as her hands flew to his lilac hair. Breaking the kiss the boy moved his head towards her neck and attacked it with sweet kisses.

The girl giggled at the contact of her delicate skin against his roughed up from the cold lips. He smiled as he listened to her laugh as he felt his head getting fuzzy at that sound.

After a couple of seconds he went near an area that was easy to cover up if needed and started to kiss and bite it leaving successfully a hickey, as the girl rewarded him with small moans and her eyes closed shut.

She returned the favor by kissing his skin near his collar bone leaving a single bite mark. He moved his lips eagerly towards hers again and started to kiss her.

She was running out of breath but loved every little moment of this. He pulled away from her lips and started to land kisses all over her face as she giggled. He had a bright smile on his face hearing her cute laughter again as he collapsed on her and hugged her tightly.

'How did we even end up like this. We were talking about Toman weren't we?' she wondered but nevertheless she wrapped her hands around him, while he snuggled into her neck.


"-- and Hakkai suggested to just take a walk to calm down" Yuzuha's voice brought the girl back to reality. "So Taiju didn't change a bit, huh. What a bitch. If he's facing problems because his mother died he should seek therapy and not beat you two up"

Y/n said as anger started to build up in her. 'Yuzuha was a sweetheart she didn't deserve any of this and neither did Hakkai.'

Yuzuha was about to tear up but attempted to change the subject to light up the mood. "N/n don't tire yourself out for this. Let's... let's just talk about something else."

Y/n nodded as she looked around trying to find something else to talk about. "Oh yeah let's talk about that... Do you guys not feed him?" Y/n pointed to Hakkai who was devouring the slice of cake that was meant for Yuzuha after he finished his.

Yuzuha giggled as she looked at Hakkai. "It's fine, I ate a whole bag of chips before coming over and I'm bloated" she exclaimed as she patted her stomach.

Y/n turned to look at the clock and gasped. "Yuzu I really gotta go. There's a meeting with my gang in about ten minutes and i need to be there." She informed her friend as she got off the couch and went to put on her shoes.

"Oh okay. You want Hakkai to drive you somewhere?" Yuzuha asked as she too got off the couch along with Hakkai. "No hun, it's okay I will go there with my own. After the meeting you want to meet up again? We didn't talk much" Y/n said as she grabbed both her house and bike keys and plopped her phone inside her pocket.

"Yeah that sounds good. Call me okay?" Yuzuha said as she finished putting on her shoes. "Yo Yuzuha, you in, to go bowling?" The younger Shiba asked his sister. "No--" Yuzuha went to say but Hakkai grabbed her hand and started to make his way out of the house.

"Great let's go then!" Hakkai left with Yuzuha as she mouthed to Y/n 'help'. Y/n giggled at the siblings antics and hurried to her bike. She hopped on and drove off to a place a little far from the center of Tokyo to find her fellow gang members.

Y/n got off her bike and made her way towards the shrine that was located a few km outside of Roppongi's center. She made her way towards the shrine and sat down next to her sister who was sitting on a bench. They were waiting for the other division captains and vice captains to start the meeting about Toman's offer.


Mfs after nearly 2 months started to talk abt tomans offer lmfao.


The next chapter will mark the beginning of the Christmas showdown arc.

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