Avalathu Kalvan (Vaanathi x ArunMozhi)

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Vaanathi, the princess of Kodumbalur, sat by her palace window in Thanjai, the capital of the Chola Kingdom. She gazed out, lost in thought, remembering her teenage years when she faced relentless bullying.

Her vision transformed into the memory of her first time in Pazhaiyarai.

She was a young girl sitting on the riverbed, tears streaming down her face. Her parents had passed away, leaving her orphaned. The other children taunted her, calling her an "unlucky princess" and shunning her from their games and conversations. The loneliness and despair weighed heavily on her young heart, and she often found solace in the quiet company of the river.

As Vaanathi recalled those painful memories, she felt a deep sadness wash over her. Despite her royal status, she had known great sorrow and hardship. But she also remembered the inner strength that had carried her through those dark times, which had helped her endure and persevere.

As she sat by the Ponni River in Pazhayarai, the gentle water flow calmed her nerves, and Vaanathi felt a familiar anxiety creeping in. She had barely arrived and already met the kind Chola princess Kundhavai, who had welcomed her warmly. But amidst the new surroundings and the friendly faces, Vaanathi couldn't shake off the fear of the unknown.

She was anxious about meeting Arunmozhi Varman, the youngest royal of the Chola Kingdom, who was adored by all. She had heard so much about him, his kindness, and his charisma. She couldn't help but secretly admire him from afar, though she had never seen him.

"What if he doesn't like me?" she thought, her heart skipping at the mere idea of meeting him. She knew she had to make a good impression, but her nerves got the best of her as she sat by the river, lost in her thoughts.

As the evening sky started to darken and the birds began to bid goodbye, Vaanathi's heart thumped with the possibility of doing something wrong.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Vaanathi suddenly heard the sound of hooves approaching. She turned to see a teenage boy riding his horse towards her with admiring eyes. Startled by the sudden interruption to her solitude, Vaanathi quickly stood up. She felt disappointed that her peaceful moment by the river had been disrupted abruptly. The boy looked at her with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting the fading light of the day. He dismounted from his horse and approached her, his gaze never leaving her face.

"You looked like a beautiful nymph, lost in the beauty of the evening sky," he said softly, his voice hinting at admiration.

Vaanathi felt her cheeks flush at the compliment. She had never been compared to a nymph before and wasn't sure how to respond. She looked down, feeling suddenly shy under his gaze.

Vaanathi quickly let go of her shyness and stood straight, reminding herself of her status as a princess. Despite her initial shyness, she tried to sound harsh when she asked the boy who he was. However, her innocent voice came out more like a kitten meowing.

The boy, amused, laughed but quickly composed himself. "I am a stable boy working in the palace," he replied.

As Vaanathi heard the boy's explanation, her eyes narrowed. For a stable boy, he looked remarkably polished and well-kept. She couldn't help but admire how he cared for himself, even in his role.

"I see," Vaanathi said, trying to maintain her composure. "As a stable boy, you seem to take great pride in your appearance."

The boy smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving; sometimes, things are not as they seem."

Curious, the boy asked, "And who might you be?"

Vaanathi hesitated momentarily before replying, "I am Vaanathi, Princess of Kodumbalur."

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