My eyes widened as he spoke. "K-Kill?!" I questioned, "I can barely throw a punch!" Soyo laughed "Liar" he said calmly. I didn't have anything to say, it felt weird not having a comment or a rebuttal, maybe because I knew he knew the truth.
3 years prior
"So, any idea what you wanna do when you move out?" My mother claimed, and me and my father chuckled, "I am going to win the Games just like father, I've been training my whole life!"
Present day
"'d you.." he cuts me off "I've watched for sssssssssome time now Crysssssssssssta, I know that you can win, it'ssssssssss why I am ssssssssssssponsoring you" Sponsoring, what did he mean by sponsoring, he continues "It'ssssssss your fathersssssssssss wish, your real one." I looked down and my long black hair covered my face "I accept and won't let you down" I said without emotion. Just as I accepted, the car came to a halt. "We have arrived," the driver said in his stern voice.