⌞ twenty : london ⌝

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"Must you fight everyone on the track?"


I was in London for the first time in my life. I had never traveled alone before; honestly, it was pretty scary. I thought I was going to get lost or miss my flight or lose my bags. But I made it to the airport without any issues, to my surprise. And now I was walking to the place Lewis told me to meet him. 

I was scared that I would miss him or just be in the completely wrong place but he left some pretty detailed instructions for me. Thankfully. Plus, he would be keeping an eye out for me. 


I followed the voice and saw Lewis. He was waving and I waved back, picking up my pace to cross over to him. Before I could even say a hello, I was pulled into a hug. I dropped my bag to hug him back. 


He pulled back and looked down at me as if we hadn't seen each other in years. "You cut your hair." 

I touched my hair, shrugging a bit. "Yeah, I wanted it shorter." 

"It looks lovely, dear." 

I smiled and he squeezed my shoulder. "Come on, the car is waiting for us." 

He reached for my bag and I tried to stop him but he shook me off, taking the bag. He slung it over his shoulder and held out his free hand for me. I took it, letting him lead the way to the car. The walk was quiet, thankfully. I wondered if people would stop us, ask for autographs but it seemed pretty quiet. 

And it was warm. Not summer warm, like in Monaco or back home. But warm like the spring. I had on a pair of shorts, a tank, and a flannel I had stolen from Charlie. The wind kept it cool enough that I needed the overshirt. But I felt a little underdressed now that I saw Lewis was in a jumper and some trousers. 

"It doesn't get super warm here, does it?" 

"Not often, no." He looked back at me. "If you get cold, I think I might have a coat in the car." 

"Non, I am okay. You're just in jumper and trousers so I figured I was a little underdressed." 

Lewis snorted, pausing by a black Mercedes. "Wear whatever you want, Lu." 

I nodded as he opened the backseat and threw my bags in there. After he got all that in the car, he opened the door for me. I thanked him as I got into the car. It was comfortable. Much more comfortable than any of Jules's cars. And there was so much space. 

"You like the car?" 

"A lot." 

Lewis nodded. "I'll let you drive it sometime this week." 

"No way?" 

"Sure, why not." 

I grinned as I sat back in the seat. This was going to be the best week ever.


The flat was huge. I didn't expect it to be this big. I had heard stories about London from friends, mostly Carmen, talking about how small everything was. Smaller than Paris. But this was huge. I would argue that it was larger than Jules's flat. I spun around as I looked at everything, earning me a chuckle from Lewis. 

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