After the Final

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I don't have any idea on what to do but I will try my best but no garrantee it'll be good.

After the final battle with Adam and the exterminator, lucifer and alastor had gotten slightly closer but still had a mild love hate relationship and still often fight over who's the better dad for Charlie. What neither one of them knew is that they would eventually develop a friendship which would go into something more.

Alastor is currently broadcasting and licofer is listening when the broadcast ends yet al has something to say to lucifer.

Lucifer: the hell? Why is it just static? Damn radio. Ugh. I blame him for this.

Alastor: ah Lucifer my good friend we need to talk.

Lucifer: what in hell do you need now?

Alastor:'s about the hotel....uhh...I think Charlie needs some help?

Lucifer: why? It's going well isn't it?

Alastor: yes?

Lucifer: than what's the problem?

Alastor: uhh well Charlie and vaggie want to go on a vacation for a bit and wants us to run the hotel while they're gone....

Lucifer: so I'm going to be working with you?

Alastor: yes?

Lucifer: she knows we hate eachother right?

Alastor: she said it'd be good for binding and shit.

Lucifer: long is she going to be gone

Alastor: a few months...

Lucifer: ugh fine but don't be causing me problems.

Alastor: will do.

After lucifer gets to the hotel Charlie and her girlfriend vaggie leave for they're little Vaca and lucifer and Alastor end up becoming close friends after a few fights and bickering realizing they had a lot in common. For instance, they both only want what'd best for Charlie and her hotel and want her dreams to come true despite thinking the idea was ridiculous in the begging.

I hope you liked part one. Next up alastor goes to Rosie for love advice or whatever it's called after a few months and alastor and lucifer start dating (Charlie is just starting to come home and on her way back btws) bye.

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