Another dead person in the house

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Everyone was surprised by Danny's sass as they didn't expect the other brother to be the opposite of the 'blood son' 

Though the silence this time was broken by Jason who was laughing his ass out " I didn't know that the other demon can joke"  " well considering the fact that you didn't knew about my existence until now" Danny shrugged his shoulders "yes I can joke as I'm more easy going than my idiot of a brother "

"Hahahaha he called you an idiot Damian " Duke said with a smile on his face

"tt yes he called me an idiot Thomas as he is the only one allowed to called me that " Damian said with a glare which was sadly ignore by the meta

"Why can he called you an idiot but not us we are also your siblings " steph asks with a hint of annoyance in her voice

"Well considering the fact that you all are annoying you have no right to called me any nickname Brown " Damian replied

"Wait a minute did you said that he was summoned by Constantine last night " Tim asked. Damian nodded

" How was Constantine able you summoned you baby D" Dick ask his youngest brother. Danny raised his eyebrow at that nickname "Baby D?"
"Well your same starts with the letter D, Damian name also starts with the letter D so I call him little D. You don't like it " "It's fine ... baby D huh I like it does that make you Big D as well since your name also starts with a D and you are the oldest and to answer your question I'm a ghost "

"A WHAT!!?"

"A ghost you know dead person but I'm more like the Schrodinger's cat" Danny said casually

"How can you be dead and alive at the same time Danyal " guess who ask this question

to those who said that it was Bruce you are right congratulations

" Well you see when I was fourteen I was involved in some accident which changed half of my cell in to ectoplasm "

"What is ectoplasm ?" Damian ask his twin "well ectoplasm is the blood of a ghost "

"Wait you are telling me that ghost have blood " Dick ask while Danny just nodded his head "well you learn something new everyday" Dick muttered

" So where have you been staying all this time Demon brat 2.0 ? " Jason Inquired. Danny lift two fingers and said "One, i not a demon brat I'm a actually a ghost whelp and second I live in the infinite realm where all the ghost live "

Bruce look like he was in deep thought and was looking at Danny like he was looking at his soul and finally the good 'old bat sigh and again look at his youngest son and ask him "From now onwards you can live with us Danyal no need to go back to the infinite realm" and now  there was a silence in the dinning room as everyone was looking at Danny who was looking like a ghost which was funny considering the fact that he was a ghost well half ghost but who cares

"I can ?"

Bruce nodded

"Then Yes " Danny exclaimed with a wide  smile on his face "Thanks Dad". Bruce just smile lovingly at his son. Alfred clear his throat "Then I shall be preparing Master Danyal's  room" Alfred start walking towards the hallway when Danny also ran behind him " wait up Gramps i will help you"

Damian also stand up from his seat and went behind Danny " Wait for me also you idiot"

:/: A/N  Hey can I ask a question
Do you watch anime if so  Could you gave me some recommendations I have only started to read anime

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