O-gyo pātī

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I chose this as the cover because I always love fanart with a more boyish form for Rimuru looks nice right

Satoru was asleep with Azrael in bed after their passionate night when they both suddenly heard a loud explosion and woke up to hear the commotion

Satoru: I hate having to be a morning person

Azrael: Sleep is surprisingly addicting, huh, you could just ignore it like an alarm clock I can take care of it

Satoru: I know you Azrael you may pass overly harsh judgment because they interrupted our time together you and Ciel are similar in that regard

Azrael: Master comparing me to that glorified walking search engine is quite cruel

Satoru snapped his fingers and they both got dressed and headed to the source of the explosion to find Shizue seemingly in combat with Diablo

Shizue: I've been sensing a dark presence for a while I never imagined it would be you 

Diablo: My I see you've gotten stronger than you were back then how interesting

Shizue: No need for that flattery I can tell you've grown stronger yourself

Diablo chuckled

Diablo: Well that's true but I wonder who's grown stronger than the other

Shizue: I suppose we'll find out

Satoru got in between them

Satoru: Alright guys enough break it up

Diablo: Forgive me my Lord I couldn't resist a tease 

Shizue: Master?

Satoru: Everyone calm down these demons work for me

Nearly everyone looked at Satoru suspiciously wondering who he was

Satoru: Why are you all looking at me like that

Azrael: Master you're still Satoru at the moment

Satoru had a sudden look of realization he then scratched the back of his head as he had a nervous smile

Satoru: Oh whoops guess I forgot in the heat of things but guys don't be alarmed it's me your Lord

Satoru leaked a bit of his aura with it no one could deny this was their Master those who couldn't recognize him apologized but he assured them it was fine

Shizue: This demon is a very dangerous being Satoru

Satoru: I was unaware you 2 had a history

Diablo: I happened to be checking in on Ifrit and I happened to find you in the process

Satoru: Right well listen Diablo is a very loyal subordinate of mine and I would appreciate it if you look past your previous interactions and set aside your differences

Diablo shivered with pleasure knowing his Master trusted him

Shizue: I don't trust him in the least but if you think it best I'll keep my peace but know I'll be watching you Noir

Diablo: My Master was so generous to grant me the name Diablo I would appreciate it if you used it

Shizue glared at the smirking Diablo's passive aggression Satoru sighed

Satoru: Great because there wasn't enough bad blood between Ciel and Azrael, speaking of which where is Ciel I haven't seen her in a while

Azrael: Oh if I had to guess she's probably off somewhere finding a great place to be angry after I let her realize my victory last night

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