All We Need (2/2)

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WARNINGS: 18+, g!p

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On monday, Lisa showed up to help Roseanne paint her living room wall. She had a gift in tow, and held up a hand to ward off any of Roseanne's protests.

"The NICU nurses said this is the most creative bed available."

Lisa pushed the box she held in her arms toward Roseanne, so she could read the Australian brand-name. The picture showed a bassinet-size bed hanging suspended by a spring and crossbar from a sturdy steel frame.

"They said that every time the baby moves, a gentle rocking motion lulls her back to sleep."

Roseanne started to respond, but like a saleswoman on a mission, Lisa continued. "And, because it's slightly upright, it will help if Valerie has gastric reflux. And she'll feel more secure, cuddled in the curve of the bed, than in a large open and flat crib."

Before Roseanne could say a word, Lisa ripped open the box and fished out the contents, then set to work putting everything together, like a kid on Christmas morning.

"It's lightweight enough to carry from room to room, so you can keep an eye on her, too."

Speechless, Roseanne watched. There would be no refusing her gift. Lisa's gesture of concern for her baby moved her more than she could admit; she shook her head in resignation.

"Why are you doing this?" She'd only meant to think the words, but they snuck out in a whisper.

Temporarily outsmarted by the metal poles, Lisa stopped to scratch her head. She turned to her and, looking earnest as all hell, said, "Because I care."

Roseanne blinked.

Why should you care?

"Well, thank you." A wave of post-partum nostalgia— surely that was what it was?—threatened to overtake her. She glanced away to toughen up. "I'm very touched."

Lisa gazed at her feet, then back up, and whispered, "You're welcome."

Fearing she could get used to being cared about, Roseanne let her gaze dance away. Instead, she forced herself to calculate the steps she'd read for painting a wall—a task she'd never done before.

Desperate to change the feel-good mood in the room, Roseanne spread the drop cloth on the floor and opened the first can of paint, while Lisa distracted herself with setting up the bed.

"So, why are we painting that wall red?" Lisa asked, in a casual, more distant tone. Apparently she'd caught her drift.

Roseanne gave the thick red liquid one last stir with a wooden stick before stopping to answer. "Jennie's grandmother said I needed to bring more of the five energies into my house. This red wall will represent fire." She put her hands on her jeans-clad hips and glanced across the room. "And I'm bringing in water energy with my indoor rock fountain. See?"

Lisa followed her hand and studied her newest purchase, bubbling and rippling over a slab of smooth black rock. She gave a nod. "Nice," she said. "Peaceful."

"And I'm bringing in earth energy with large indoor plants," she said. "Green is good." Spurred on by all the extra reading she'd done on the topic, she felt positive. "I can feel a difference already."

Clearly amused, Lisa gave her a thumbs-up sign. And they passed the next hour side-by-side, painting in quiet, relaxed camaraderie.

In the middle of her using a roller brush to finish the last section of wall, Lisa's cellphone rang. "Can you get that for me, Roseanne?"

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