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A/N Welcome everyone to my new story Null, I truly hope it exceeds your expectations. For those that haven't read Villainous Quirk, Heroic Soul, this is going to be a side story that I write when I get writers block with my main. Regardless this story is one I've mulled around in my head for quite awhile now, and I'm excited to finally share it. I want this story to be the best it can possibly be, so please feel free to give any constructive criticism you have, just please be polite and civil. Also a special thanks to my beta readers who help me make this story better Silenthorse, Gamer_kid1609, and Zurgboy2!

I also wanted to warn you that I fully understand and acknowledge that the prologue is a bit on the generic side. But it's so I can set the stage for the rest of the story, so I hope you'll give the next chapter a chance.

Disclaimer! I do not own My Hero Academia!

The world is a cruel place. It was full of people that happily steal from, assault, or even outright murder others. They don't care about the harm they cause, or the damage they leave in their wake. But at least those are the horrors that people look down upon. What's worse is the cruelties that people widely accept. For thousands of years, humanity would discriminate against certain groups. Race, gender, sexuality, all have been used to justify people doing horrific acts.

The world is a cruel place. This is a fact that people learn at some point in their lives. And for the people that face discrimination, they learn that lesson time and time again. Just like one Yagi Izuku was facing at this very moment as he mindlessly walked down the street. He had no real destination in mind, just going where his feet take him.

Izuku was just a 17 year old boy in his final year of high school, son of Yagi Toshinori and Yagi Inko. For as long as he could remember, all he ever wanted to do was become a hero and save people, like his idol All Might. But because of one thing he had no control over, his dream was deemed impossible. What's worse is that he also faced constant bullying and outright hate crimes for the same reason.

You see, Izuku was a quirkless person in a world where 80% of the population has a quirk. So just like every other quirkless person, he was considered bottom of the food chain, and not worth any sort of kindness. In fact, putting them down in any way has almost become a form of entertainment for the quirked. Lord knows he bears many scars from such acts. He mindlessly rubbed each scar as the memories of how he got each one ran through his mind, including the laughter from others as he writhed in pain.

Today was the worst day of Izuku's life since the day he was diagnosed as quirkless, and it left him feeling lost. He didn't know what to do or where to go as the beliefs he held for so long, the only thing keeping him sane, turned out to be nothing but lies.

As Izuku walked his mind replayed the day's events for what felt like the millionth time, as if his own mind had turned against him.

It all started this morning, waking up to the familiar sight of his barren bedroom. All he's had for many years was an old mattress he's had since childhood, an alarm clock that sat atop a beat up dresser filled with clothes that anyone else would throw away, and a dingy desk with a very uncomfortable chair he made himself after his old computer chair broke. Aside from that, there's all the school supplies that he had to buy himself, and his hero notebooks. While he would never admit it, those notebooks were the only lifeline he's had since the day everyone turned on him.

*bang bang bang* "shut that damn thing off!" Screamed a familiar female voice.

With a sigh at the regular routine he slowly shut off his alarm before lying back down and stared up at his ceiling, gathering up his determination to get through another day. "You can do it. You're almost there. Just a few more months until the entrance exam." He muttered to himself over and over.

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