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forth day of university >>>3

as usually day you, woke up did morning routine and headed down see your dad and mom sitting on couch,
as mom notice me
"good morning love" she smiled
"morning moon" dad said while turning off his laptop
i just ignore him
"moon i said morning" his voice was stunned
i ignore ones again
"moon-" i cutted of him
"what?! huh you want morning? ok good morning mr. kang, happy now?" you screamed as you walked towards the door
"moon!" he yelled "im your dad!"

"dad? really? " you chuckled " you are not my dad you always care for your work and business so just do your work" you walked out the home

"honey, calm down oky" mom said


at university
you walked into the corridors as you bumped in someome

《author: bumping is main in every ff hehe》

"fuck" mumbled by you, "what the-"
it was mr.kim
you bow "morning mr. kim"
"morning morning miss. kang" he answered
you about to go
"well miss. kang"
you turned around "yes mr.kim?"
"where your other partner?" he raised his eyebrows
"huh?" you remember rose " oh mr. Kim i don't know" as you said
and he chuckled and patted on my head
"always be happy" he wished
"yes mr.kim" you show him your biggest smile
"go to class now"

"he is really sweet as rose said, his son or daughter must be happy to have him" you though as you walked to the class
you see rose sitting on seat , you walked to her and sat
"you came early?" you asked
"yeah" she said
"with who?" you asked
she about to say something
but you said
"boyfriend " you smirk
she gave me wtf look
"that's not true moo-"
"it is , yesterday your boyfriend pick up the phone don't just joke, you are  my best friend,  you didn't tell me" you raised your eyebrows
"he was jimin" she said calmly
"what?" you were confused
you make O face
"means your boyfriend is your cousin brother" you were very shocked
"fuck your ass moon" she cursed
"you fuck your ass not me"
"he just prank you nothing more idiot" as she said as you understand
"ooooohhhkkkkk i understand"

"you should stop whispering in my class you both whispers!" mr. Kim said as everyone laughed
"sorry mr.kim" you both said


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