TW// Graphic descriptions of blood and violence

Leaves crunched underfoot as the redheaded girl fled from her unknown attacker, stumbling over sticks and roots. She threw a panicked glance over her shoulder as she saw the creature speeding towards her, the black unidentifiable blur moving in a zig-zag like pattern growing closer and closer. 

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" She screamed, tears streamed down her cheeks and stung her eyes blurring her vision. She let out a yelp tripping over the moss covered rock she hadn't seen, sending her tumbling a few metres to the right. Her ankle began to throb as a crimson stain blossomed on the bottom of her pant leg, seeping through the rips and soaking into the ground. 

Clutching her leg in agony, she struggled to her feet with the help of a nearby tree branch. Biting back screams of pain, she clenched her jaw and limped off into some nearby bushes in the hopes it would give her some sort of shelter from her unknown pursuer.

Just as she reached the edge of the bush, it began to warp and contort infront of her, sprouting long, dark and haphazardly shaped limbs. It's arms ended in thin, needle-like claws that curled as it hunched over. It's legs were horrifically long, akin to a deer, only longer and thinner, christened with bloody thorns that reached in every direction. It's head was contorted into the shape of some kind of animal, it's bottom jaw missing and in the place of it, sharp, spear shaped teeth.

The girl cowered back, her face displaying the horror she felt looking at such a grotesque creature. It looked as if parts of its body had been torn off and in the place of it, thorns and weeds had sprouted in matted, oozing clumps.

"W...what are you?" She choked out, slowly dragging herself backwards and leaving a trail of blood still seeping from her leg.

The creature snapped it's head towards her, twisting it upside down with a sickening crunch. It moved towards her  in almost an entrancing way, curling its limbs forwards and gliding sideways, but ever closer.

It suddenly spoke with a raspy, hacking voice.

"I....want...your...body..." it wheezed.
Before she could react, the creature lunged at her, impaling her with its needle sharp claws.

The girl screamed in pain as it ripped into her torso, morphing around her and climbing into her body through the wound it made. She gasped for air as she choked on her own blood, pooling in her lungs as the creature ripped her apart from the inside out. Her neck contorted backwards with a crunch, splatters of thick, red liquid bubbling up and out of her mouth hit the ground in front of her.

She convulsed violently as she felt the agonising pain shoot through her body, the creature filling her every limb, every cavity, every part of her slowly dying off as it took over.

She had become a meatsuit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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