14. Lover

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Kao felt his heavy eyes as he tried to blink them open. He immediately felt that it was worth waking up when he saw a smiling Pete facing him. 

"How are you feeling?" Pete asked without a good morning. 

Kao's mind took time to process the question and analyze his body... "Not bad, My hips and Knees hurt a bit, Apart from that I seem to be good," 

Pete chuckled... "Great!" 

"How many painkillers did you give me this time?" Kao asked sitting up

"None" Pete shrugged


"None, I didn't give you any" Pete looked back into the book he was reading

"Really? That means it worked" 

Pete nonchalantly nodded. That is when Kao got the urge to run his eyes all over Pete.

Pete was wearing Pajamas, that fit him like his skin, He looked homely and relaxed. The view made Kao realize that he had a lot of desires he didn't think he was capable of. Pete suddenly closing the book made Kao break his thoughts. 

"Ara will be back from school soon," Pete said without context. 

Kao looked at the clock and it was almost noon. 

"Yes, It's her last exam today, She will be home for lunch" Kao agreed

"I told Grand Pa that she will be there by tonight" Pete again said seriously

Kao looked blank not being able to comprehend

"I am sorry Kao, I know you asked me to let you know at least a day before but there's a local festival this weekend and Grand Pa will be super busy, So I thought it would be easy for you guys to stay there and get used to the environment. I will drive down on Wednesday and bring you guys back. I will inform the bar about your absence too, So can you take Ara to my Grand Pa's this evening?" 

Kao started thinking. 

"And Ofcourse if you feel any discomfort there, You just have to call me and I will bring you guys right back" Pete added. 

Kao nodded "Sure, Pete, I will take good care of Tara, Don't worry" Kao assured smiling... "If this is what you want, then that is what we will do. I am sure it won't be as bad as you are fearing, You are worrying too much"

"You don't know grandpa. I said sorry already, but let me do it again. I am sorry for acting like a typical alpha and asking you to do this and that. I promise I will make it up to you " Pete held Kao's hand.... " I can't bear him for more than a day and I can't trust Ara with anyone else so l have no choice but to ask you to do this favor for me "

" It's fine Pete you can ask me to do anything, plus I love spending time with Tara too. We will go safely and come back in no time"

Pete nodded... " try not to talk to GrandPa if possible, I always avoid interacting with him.it is the only way to be sane around him"

Kao nodded mimicking Pete.." okay!"

 "Ara's bags are being packed, you should go eat something and start packing" 

Kao nodded again and proceeded to freshen up.

A car was waiting outside by the time Tara and Kao got ready. Tara happily hopped into the car.

"Are you happy you won't see Daddy now for a few days?" Pete playfully mocked.

" No dada, I asked you to come with us, you are the one who wants to be without us. I am just happy that I am traveling with P'Kao. And that I will get to see GrandPa after a long time" Tara pouted.

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