Ch 2 Pt 3: A New Member, Yay....

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[Y/N]: "Not gonna lie, this is not bad."

Kazuma: "Why does a mere cabbage taste so good? I don’t get it."

Shigeo: "I didn't even know we could fry cabbages! Then again, i never bothered to find out."

After racking a lot of cabbages, the guild started serving it. I think i got like, 6 to 7 of them.

Aqua: "You’re skilled, Darkness! As expected of a Crusader! The cabbages couldn’t break through your iron-wall defense no matter what they did."

I had to agree with that, none of those cabbages could go make her stumble no matter what. But it doesn't help that she was enjoying it...

Darkness: "No, I didn’t do much, I’m just really tough. I’m clumsy and slow so I can’t really hit my target; my only strong point is shielding others… Megumin has an impressive offence. You took out the horde of monsters that were chasing the cabbages right into town with just one explosion attack; all the other adventurers were shocked."

Yeah... But she also could've caused her demise if not for Darkness' near impenetrable defence.

Megumin: "Kuku, no one could stand up to the power of my explosion magic… But Kazuma was the most active one, he picked me up after I exhausted my mana and carried me back."

Darkness: "Yeah, when I was surrounded by cabbages and monsters, Kazuma showed up and captured all the cabbages attacking me. Thank you for rescuing me."

It's true, he was the most active one, and probably the one who caught the most of those leafy bastards. 

[Y/N]: "Erasing the presence with Lurk, grasping the movement of the cabbages with Enemy Detection and surprising them with Steal from behind. I gotta say, I'm impressed."

Shiro: "Don't forget Shigeo! His healing ability is unmatched! He healed the adventurers in a near instant!"

Shigeo: "Aw please, it wasn't that impressive.."

Shiro: "Are you kidding me?! You might as well be the healer of the team!"

Aqua: "Eh-! But that's my job!!"

She attempted to strangle Shiro but was held back by Crazy Diamond.

Darkness: "And [Y/N], he managed to catch 7 cabbages in one go!"

Megumin: "I remember he did something similar back with the Giant Toads. But i didn't think he could make an entire tree!"

[Y/N]: "It's nothing impressive, really."

Darkness: "I'd like to disagree."

Careful with your words, a virgin like me could take it the wrong way.

After failing to choke the scarfed boy and now being restrained by two stands, the archpriest, who by the way, had no plan other than chasing the cabbages mindlessly, relented and said to Kazuma,

Aqua: "Kazuma, with my authority, I hereby grant you the title of ‘Elegant Cabbage Thief’."

Kazuma: "Shut up! I’ll slap you if you call me that! Ah! Enough, why’d things turn out this way!?"

He then slammed his head onto the table and hugged his head. I'd sigh,

[Y/N]: "Well, at the very least, we got a huge sum of money. So it's not that bad."

Kazuma: "That's not what I'm worried about..." He'd then glance at the female knight...

...Ah right, that.

Due to her, Megumin, and Aqua hitting it off, they seemed more keen than ever to have the perverted masochist into our team.

Darkness: "Well then. I’m Darkness, a Crusader. Theoretically, my weapon’s a two-handed sword, but don’t count on it too much. I’m clumsy with my hands and tend to miss. But I’m good at being a tank, so please take care of me."

Aqua: "Humph, our party’s becoming great. I’m an Archpriest, Megumin’s an Archwizard, [Y/N] and Shigeo with their stand thingys,  and now we have the defensive specialist vanguard, the Crusader Darkness. Three out of four members having top-tier jobs is rare, Kazuma! Do you know how lucky you are? You have to be grateful, okay?"

Kazuma then gestured for me to come closer, and began to whisper,

Kazuma: "A mage that could only use one spell a day, a vanguard that couldn’t hit anyone... And a cleric that was dumb, had bad luck and was totally useless! Shigeo does a better job at healing than her! And you..."

[Y/N]: "...I can make any nonliving object into a living being. Plus, there's the damage reflection."

Kazuma: "Okay, i guess you're useful..."

I'd glare at him as he glanced at the knight,

Kazuma: "... But still, she put all her skill points into defensive skills, so normal skills learned by vanguards such as Two-handed Sword or skills that raised her proficiency with weapons were ignored."

[Y/N]: "She looked really pretty too, so it really was a pity..."

Now both of us were looking back at the currently trembling masochist.

Darkness: "Ugh... Ah, the feeling of being ravaged by cabbages and monsters is unbearable... I’m the only orthodox vanguard in this party, so don’t hold back. Use me as bait or as a shield. If it’s necessary, you can even cut me off as a sacrifice... Hmm! Just... Just imagining that made me tremble in excitement..!" She began to blush for some reason.

She really is hopeless...

Darkness: "Well then, Kazuma. I’ll probably... No. I’ll certainly be a bother to you, so don’t hold back and lecture me viciously. Please take care of me from now on."

We then looked back at each other.

Kazuma: "An Archpriest that could use all sorts of healing spells and an Archwizard that could use the strongest spell."

[Y/N]: "And a Crusader with an iron wall-like defense."

It seemed to be a perfect formation, but I felt things would be tough on us in the future.

But at least with Shigeo... No wait, I'm not jinxing it.

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