chapter 19 David

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I can't quite comprehend what happened last night. After showing Nicola to the guest room, I ended up taking a bottle of whisky to bed with me. It didn't make anything better, some would say worse, and that it was. I ended up staying awake until 4am working on my laptop until I completely gave out and tried to close my eyes.

Flash back 9 Years ago:-

The weekend had been a long time coming and I couldn't wait to see my girl, even though it's only been a month it seems like forever. They say you if you really love each other you can make it work going to different universities and that's what we both decided and even though it wasn't like I was 1000miles away it still was difficult trying to find weekends when we were both free to meet each.
Absolutely exhausted after an all day basketball tournament I quickly packed a bag and jumped into my car heading back to Manchester to surprise Nicola for the rest of the weekend. As soon as I arrived at her dorm I quickly dropped her a text as her phone kept going to voicemail. Still no answer I opted it would be quicker to just go upstairs and greet her, only to find she wasn't in and was at a party.
Punching in the address on the satnav I head in the direction of the party.
The street was dimly lit with the odd few streetlights here and there, but as I made it further down the close you could tell where the party was. Bright lights, loads of cars parked right outside and not to mention the loud echoing of the music system. Pulling up across the street I head straight into the party, the loud noises deafens my ear drums as soon as I enter. A bloke hands me a bud as I walk through room to roomHaving no luck I make my way upstairs wondering if she's in the toilet, heading to the door on the left, I take the door handle opening it slowly and there she is, my girl, beautiful as ever laying peacefully on the bed. Stepping closer in the room my eyes go wide with realization that she's not alone, someone lays in the bed with her and its not a female.
"What the fuck is going on here?" I hiss as Nicola pears her glazed eyes open clearly drunk, while the bloke quickly shoots out if bed.
"I asked you both a fucking question?" I raise my voice now anger radiating through me. Nicola just sits up saying nothing, her face going so pale.
"Look mate, it ain't what it looks like." The twat says from the side wearing his baggy boxers and only those.
"Firstly I ain't your fucking mate, and secondly it don't look like nothing. " I grab a hold of Nicola chin tipping it slightly with my index finger so she now facing me. "Tell me the truth and don't you dare fucking lie to me?" I grit through my teeth.
"Baby, it's nothing, it was a mistake." She weeps, as I drop my hand from her face pulling away so quickly.
"Mistake" I spit. "What mistake?"
"It was never meant to be like this, I came here tonight to end it. Baby your it for me. I promise." She continues to sob. The face I once thought was so beautiful I now look at in disgust, she isn't the person I fell in love with. All these years wasted on someone who never really cared for me. She took my heart. Piece by piece, crushing away until it was nothing. Black. Broken. Cold.

Not realising the time I woke abruptly, searching for my phone on the bedside cabinet. "fuck." I groan seeing it dead, forgetting to put it on charge last night. Instead I grab my watch sighing as I notice the time. I can't believe I laid in this late. I never sleep in. Usually I'm up and ready by 7.30, but today trust me to wake this late.
Quickly showering I head down the spiral stairs wanting to get Nicola out the house as soon as possible. The last time I saw her we left things strained, with her admitting to cheating constantly and me declaring how much I loved her, before kicking her out and vowing never to see her again. So why after all these years come back to me.

I step onto the last part of the stairs, I can't help but hear whispered noises coming from the front door, the closer I get the closer I see her. Standing there, in a tight black pencil skirt, her arse so tight and peachy wanting to be fucked. He white blouse showing the lace white bra, what I'd do to grab, tweak, suck on those right now.
Unaware of why she here, especially how I left things last night and just walked away and now it doesn't look much better with Nicola standing at my entrance.

Now striding over I see her fluster. "What the fuck did Nicola say to her." Her gentle soft lips tremberling as she rushes away.

"Ruby, hang on wait." I yell.

After are heated discussion I'm not surprised she upped and left, first Nicola wearing my fucking shirt and then coming over saying about her mother. Clearly Ruby has no interest in what I have to say. I need to get to the bottom of this starting with Nicola.

After standing on my driveway watching her drive away with such force, I storm back inside slamming the door.

Nicola perchs over the kitchen island, my shirt lifting above her arse showing of her black panties. She knows what she doing as she stands there leaning with a mug in hand.

"What the fuck was that about?" I grit.

"Sorry, I have no idea what you mean." She plays the innocent card like she always does.

"You and Ruby, what was that all about?" I ask again.

"Oh nothing, we go way back, I was just telling her about last night that's all." She smiles so softly unaware of her actions.

"What about last night? Nothing happened, and hang on what do you mean you go way back?"

"Oh come on DJ it's a joke, she knows I was messing, she used to my jokes. Remember my old uni friend who I was close too, well that's her Ruby Morgan. "

"She your? Your old friends, from university? How did I never meet her? "

"I talked about her all the time,we both had nicknames for each other so that's probably why, and you never met her as she always wanted to give us space when you came home for the weekends. "

"Right. " I have no fucking idea what the hell to do now, the woman I'm finally falling for after all these years of feeling empty is my exs best friend.
It's safe to say this isn't going to end well as long as Nicolas still here and in the picture. I need her gone the sooner the better.

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