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"Help?" I whisper-yelled to him as soon as Wen was out of earshot.

He made a face. "Long, complicated, and most importantly classfied story. But nevermind that, we still have three sections of the base to go!" I could tell his smile was forced, but my stomach still sank because I knew it would be tough to get information out of him.

"Where exactly are we, anyway?" I aksed, crossing my arms over my chest.

He raised and eyebrow. "Did you honestly think I'd tell you where we are?"

I sighed. "Nope."
  We continued down the hall in an uncomfortable silence until we reached a door with a greasy black handprint smeared across it, like someone had closed it in a hurry. Even outside, I could smell machine grease, burning metal, and something else that was strangely simliar to Doritos.

   "Do I even want to know what's in there?" I asked warily.

   "If you want to survive your first mission, then yes." He answered, then pushed open the door, only to be answered with two panicked shrieks of "Close it!"

    007 shoved me inside the door before I could run away and the same voices yelled, "Duck!"
    007 grabbed my shoulder and yanked me down to the floor as an orange explosion splattered the door and dusted the top of our heads. Once again, the smell of Doritos drifted to my nose. We carefully lifted our heads, hoping to avoid any more Dorito-scented bombs, and were met with the sight of two bright-orange-dusted faces staring back at us from across the room-one guy with a mop of curly black hair and a girl with long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. The guy pulled his goggles off to reveal a pair of brilliant, clever, extremely familiar green eyes.

    I felt my jaw twitch. Pj gave me a sheepish smile. "Dan! I see you've met--"

     "Phil!" The girl cried, trading her goggles for a pair of black glasses on the table.

     I turned to "007", rasing an eyebrow. "Phil?"

     He shot a withering look at the girl and then nodded to me grudgingly. "Phil Lester. Spy. 1st class."

     "Why didn't you just tell me your real name? "007" is kind of a mouthful if you ask me." I asked.

      "So if you tried to run amd somehow managed to go to the police, then you wouldn't have my actual name. Thank you for that, Aggie."

       Aggie stood and dusted off of her lab coat. "Agnes Hayes. You must be the new initiate. I've heard loads about you." she said, shaking my hand enthusiastically. This was the girl that Phil had been so reluctant to trust? I noticed the blue band around the upper left arm of the labcoat she wore, the same kind that had been around the sleeve of Winifred's jacket.

        I pointed to it. "What do those mean?" I asked. Aggie opened her mouth to speak, but Phil beat her to it.

       "Ranks. Orange is 3rd class--beginners, Red is 2nd class--intermediate, Blue is 1st class--advanced. Most people wear their armbands on their jackets, but some-" he lifted up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a bright blue band tattoo circling his left bicep. "prefer to have short sleeves and therefore get theirs tattooed on."

        "So if I'm now a part of this so-called spy agency, when do I get my--"

        "Attention all 1st class agents: We have a 24-20, I repeat: we have a 24-20. Please report to the headquarters immediately. We have no time to waste." A voice that I recognized as Winifred's crackled over the intercom. Phil, Pj, and Aggie's eyes all widened. They exchanged grave glances and Phil said, "Come with us. You'll need to see this."

        "I don't understand; what's a 24-20?"I asked, worry lacing my voice.

        Pj's eyes were bright with anger and his voice was edged with fear. "It means someone's stolen the Crown Jewels."



2. So Aggie is Winifred's sister and she's pretty cool so respect her or I will cut you
4. I was on a summer trip with my Youth Group since Sunday and I got back this afternoon so I'm rather tired and I have drama camp for the next two weeks starting Sunday kms
5. Writer's block sucks but that makes it even better when it's gone so if you're keeping up with my other story, The Hollow Forest, then there'll probably be another chapter in the next couple days.
6. Love you guys so much and thanks for the comments and feedback and it'd be great if y'all could keep doing so!
-Ya main hoe Ava


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