Chapter 2 COMPLETE

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In my reflection I see all my bruises and scars from all my fights whether be human or poptart. My shaggy black hair partially covers my black eye. My red eyes are dark in the mirror. Scratches everywhere, some still slightly bleeding. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Will this ever end? I thought. I walk into what I designated to be my bedroom and lay in bed. It's not much but at least I have a semi comfortable surface to sleep on. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I open my eyes and see.... Bars? Wait WHAT! I jolt up and look around. I'm in a mobile cage from what I can tell smores poptarts are dragg- OOF- ow, this is super bumpy. I look out the bars to see where I am. It seems like I'm in a poptart town... is that a castle? I have to find a way to get out of this. I can't get out of the cage though. They drag the cage up the hill and through the gates of the castle. I see the "perfect" poptarts that started this all. They take me to this throne made of sprinkles and frosting. There's a poptart with a crown. Must be their king. I think. "Wat hebben we hier? Een mens!! Hoe durf je een mens in mijn kasteel te brengen! Haal hem uit mijn zicht en stop hem in de ketel!" demanded the poptart king. Translation :what do we have here? A human!! How dare you bring a human into my castle! Get him out of my sight and put him in the boiler!:

They drag the cage away and put me in their dungeon. I stay there for days, maybe weeks starving although I'm used to that.. Clang! I look up and see they opened the cell door. They snatched me up and blind fold me, taking me away to who knows where. They keep chanting something, "Eten eten eten!" They keep moving and I can feel the temperature rising. They rip the blindfold off and what I see horrifies me... A gigantic boiler made to hold hundreds of people. It's like I'm a pirate about to walk off the plank. "V" I hear someone shout. I see the rest of the erasetries. I see them falling into the boiler one by one. First Terra, then Ron. Mark tries his hardest to get free. I try the same to kick the poptarts off but it's no use, we're toast. They're gonna boil us alive! They push me over, about to fall into the scalding water. Mark gets free and tries to catch me. "MARK NO RUN!" I yell. He slips and falls along with the rest of us. "You idiot you could have escaped!" I scold. "V, V .'' I hear him say but his words turn into screams as we hit the water. I wake up. Ughhhh just another nightmare. Every night I have these nightmares. They're never exactly the same but always about the poptarts catching us. I see Mark at the foot of my bed. "V, V WAKE UP DUDE!" He pushes me off the shabby bed. "HEY I'm up, I'm up ok, what is it?" I questioned. "The poptarts found the store. They destroyed it! All the supplies are gone, just gone." he says distrount.

(Chapter 2 is complete. Soooo anyone want Rowan and finn to die/ and or kidnapped or just one of them. If you don't remember who they are they were the bullies in chapter one.)

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