Felice and sara part 2

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Sara pov:

me and felice were packing for the time that felice was gonna be living with us. she had a lot of things, so it took a little while..

we both got done packing. i packed for the weekend and felice packed like half of her things just so they could be at my house all the time, and the rest of it could just stay at hillerska.

we called mama to pick us up. she also had to pick simon and wilhelm up, so we were all gonna be home in the weekend.

mama texted me that she was here. "she's here. we need to get the boys." i said. "okay!" she said sounding very happy.

we got to wilhelm and simon's door.

wilhelm pov:

me and simon just got home after walking by the lake.

when we got in he pinned me up to the wall and started kissing me harshly. and me, of course kissed back.. "please.. simme, i want you" i said while moaning. shit.. i'm hard.. fuck that's so embarrassing.. "oh i kno-" we stopped when we heard knocking on the door and then, of course sara and felice ran in to the room..

"hey guys!! mama is h- uhm sorry if we interrupted, ur little moment.. uhh yeah.. but uhm mama here.. meet you down at the car!" she said and hurried out.  me and simon just looked at each other and began laughing. i noticed that it was very obvious that i was hard so i took my pillow and covered up. but simon definitely saw.. god this is embarrassing.. then he just began laughing. "ur royal highness is hard! haha i never thought i could get the crown prince hard!" he said. "it's not like it hasn't happens before." i then said. "okay okay ur royal hardness mama is waiting down by the car!"

Simon pov:

"come on felice! we need to get away from my horny little brother and his horny boyfriend as soon as possibl- SHIT! WE NEED TO SPENT THE WHOLE WEEKEND WITH THEM. god no this is why i was so happy to live at hillerska! so i could get away from them!!" i could hear from the hallway. "do you hear that?" i said while laughing. "of course i do! well where did we come from.." "well we were talking about you being har-" was all i could get out of my mouth, until he pressed his lips onto mine. then he slipped his tongue in. but then stopped and took his things and went out the door and began walking. "you absolute tease!" i said, he just began laughing. "come on linda's waiting on our horny asses"

felice pov:

if somebody asked me how i was feeling, i would say shitty. i thought as i stepped inside the car. and of course linda asked. "hey felice! how are you feeling?" "shitty." i answered "what why? are you okay?" well NO i just walked in on my best friend having a lil too much fun with my girlfriends brother. so no i'm not feeling good. i thought. "baby? you there?" shit i was zoning out. and simon and wilhelm were already here. "hey there felice!" simon said. and i just nodded and smiled. "well the reason i'm feeling shitty, is because me and sara just walked in on wilhelm and simon making out, with wilhelm pressed up to the wall. so yeah that's why i'm feeling shitty." i said and smiled. linda though, she was not the happiest. "¿Por qué empujaste a Wilhelm contra la pared? ¡Ese no es buen comportamiento!"

(simon! why did you push wilhelm up against a wall?! that is not good behavior!)

"sorry mama.." sara began laughing. "what are you laughing at?" wilhelm asked. "i'll text it in the group chat"

the group chat

sara- she just said to simon "why did you push wilhelm up against a wall?! that is not good behavior!" HAHAHAHAH


wilhelm- i don't think she gets it HAHAH

simon- hey stop😭😭 it's so awkward..

wilhelm- i love you

simon- yeah yeah love you too🙄

felice and sara- 🤮🤮

simon- hey stop! it's not like you guys aren't like that!

wilhelm- what he said ⬆️⬆️

sara- 🙄🙄

"why are you guys so quiet?" linda asked. "oh sorry it's nothing!" wilhelm answered. "i don't think you get it mama" sara said while laughing. "what don't i get?" simon looked her dead in the eyes. but of course it's sara she wont take a no as an answer. she began laughing. "well you see, simme wasn't pushing wille up against the wall like that.. they were like touching each other.." linda then looked very scared. "DID YOU GUSY USE PROTECTION?!" "mama! we didn't do it! we were just making out!" he explained.

and the whole ride home was just quiet and awkward..

then we got home. and linda and wilhelm made dinner together. they are so close, it's like they're mother and son.

then we sat down and ate when the food got ready and sara took her hand on my lap. shit. now i'm turned on. fuck no. i looked at her and gave her the look. and as always SHE DIDNT TAKE A NO FOR AN ANSWER. she kept her hand on my lap. i needed to get away from here. "uhm linda? is it okay if i go to toilet real quick?" "yeah oh course darling!" i stood up and walked to the bathroom.

sara pov:

she just got up and left. she got turned on. hah i turned her on so she needed to get away. "mama i'm gonna go talk to here really fast. if it's okay?" "yeah sure.." i smiled and left the table. "she is not going to talk to her.. she is going to eat her.." simon said. "SIMON WHAT THE FUCK." i said. "whoops didn't know you still were here" he said. and wilhelm started laughing. "simon! stop it we're at the dinner table!" mama said. "well i'm just telling the truth!" i just rolled my eyes and left.

i got in the bathroom and saw felice sitting on the toilet (not doing anything just sitting!) "hey baby.." she said. i just got closer and closer to her. "hey" i whispered in her ear and then she just took my head and started kissing me like crazy. god. "i need you." she said. "well we can't do anything like that right now sorry not sorry, but making out is fine i guess?" she didn't answer me, she just took my head again and then we started to make out.

linda pov:

they have been 'talking' for almost 10 minutes now! "boys, i need to go check on them. they have been gone for long enough and they're food is also getting cold." i said and stood up. but as i was about to leave wilhelm took my arm "just so you know, if they are making out, just leave them and come back and tell us everything. okay?" why do they think that they're making out?! "oh my god guys can you stop? they're probably not making out. they're a couple.. everyone have problems.."
they looked at each other and laughed.

i was walking until i heard some noises from the bathroom. huh weird. "babe be quiet! they can't hear us!" i heard sara say. weird.. i went closer and i opened the door to see my daughter and her girlfriend making out, sitting on the toilet seat. "WOW! GUYS NO DOING THAT KINDA STUFF IN THIS HOUSE?! AND ON THE TOILET?!" i guess simon was right..

i ran back out in the kitchen. "yup you were right. they were making out on the toilet."
they just burst out laughing. "told ya"

A/N: heyyy sorry if this is bad!! i don't feel like reading this through. so i'm sorry if there is any mistakes please write it in the comments! love you.

1333 words.

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