Chapter One

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"Know Yourself"- Greece, 1400 B.C.

Long ago Apollo lived during the times of Ancient Greece. In Greece there was a religious sanctuary called Delphi. The sanctuary was devoted to Apollo their God. They worshipped Apollo and had a temple named after him. Far and wide strangers traveled to seek advice and receive prophecies from the hands of the Oracle of Delphi. She was the chosen seer to give advice to these powerful men. To this day Delphi still lies between Mt. Parnassus known as the "Shining" Rocks. Apollo's energy lives on as many still wonder about the lives of these strange women for far too long. The women's story lays hidden in Apollo's soul. The God of music and the Sun walked among his women. He had hundreds of wives and some sisters and daughters.
Apollo whipped the reins to his swan-driven chariot as he flew through the air. He thought to himself that he had four favorite wives and one favorite sister. This caused many problems. He had no favorite daughters. They were cursed with his powers just like him. He saw himself in all of his children. Apollo blew out his breath as the swans carried him towards Earth. He knew it was time to visit Delphi. He was ill prepared. He wondered who should he go to first? He instantly knew who it had to be. His favorite sister, the Oracle of Delphi. For she was the one who he could always go to for advice. Plus, he thought, perhaps she will have some herbs for me.
He swished the reins with a flick of his wrist. His long wavy blond hair flew behind him in the wind. His blue eyes twinkled with the light of the sun. He reined in the swans and directed them towards Delphi. The flawlessly switched route.
It was before sunrise. They flew in the cover of darkness. He guided his swans towards the Temple of Apollo where his sister lived. She lived secluded in the center of town. The swans touched down on the dirt with their orange toes. They carried Apollo down the paved dirt roads. Apollo smelled the sweet scents of herbs as he got closer to the temple.
He brought his swans to the stables next to the temple. His sister was thoughtful and had ordered that Apollo needed the stables for his swans. It had been built swiftly for him. He herded his two swans into their stalls. Their names were Angel and Max. He loved and respected them. They were creatures with loving souls. He took off their golden bridles and hung them up on the wall. He knew his swans needed a nice rest. The journey from Olympus took days and was hard on them.
Apollo took the rest of his journey on foot. His sister's temple was only twenty-two feet away. He tried to muster up a smile but worry creased his brows. Worry consumed his mind. He sensed that all of his women were going through issues. He sensed something dark. He tried to shake the feeling. He shouldered his bag over his back as he approached the door to the temple. It was decorated with a wooden sign with his sister's name on it. It read: Athena. She was respected. Loved and feared. There were rumors that she was the true Goddess Athena and no mere mortal at all. Apollo smiled to himself because he knew she was. That was why she was his favorite sister. She was a goddess of war, but she was also as wise as an owl. The two kept her magical goddess status to themselves. It was their secret and theirs to keep. The other women would only hate her more if they knew.
Apollo knocked three times. He heard a pot clank against a table. He imagined Athena had been busy painting and thrust her water pot down because she knew he was back. The door opened quickly and Athena popped out. She took Apollo by surprise and engulfed him in a hug.
    "Athena. I am back!" Apollo said.
    "Thank the Heavens! It has been almost a year since you were last here!" Athena exclaimed.
    "Yes, I know. My visit was overdue. How are you doing?" Apollo replied.
    He grabbed his sister by her shoulders and straightened her out to look at her. He glanced her over. She looked different. Her brown hair was in two braids, but it looked shorter than his last visit. She had blue eyes like him, but they carried the sadness of war. Two pools of deep oceans met his assessing gaze. Apollo straightened himself out as he tried to appear taller. He didn't like to admit it, but he was a little shorter than his sister. He noticed she looked like a witch on this day in her black dress. She used to wear pastel colored dresses. He wondered what had changed his sister? She was the symbol of death now.
    "Seriously, are you okay, Athena?" Apollo repeated.
    "I am not! I need you around, Apollo. Please don't leave so fast this time." She said.
    "I am sorry, sister. I had many places to be." Apollo said.
"You are only twenty. You should be around family." Athena replied.
"I'm sorry." Apollo said weakly.
Athena punched his shoulder lightly. Then she waved him inside the temple. He entered and was instantly taken away by the shrine below a painting of his face. Candles and incense were lit in a pathway up to the shrine. He wondered what was wrong, but Athena was a tough nut to crack. He followed Athena down the hallway towards her chambers.
"Enough with the sorry ass shit. Let's smoke marijuana and make some tea. Do you want some chamomile tea?" Athena questioned him.
"I'll roll a leaf, and yes put the tea over the fire." Apollo replied.
He sighed to himself. He had to wait to see what was wrong with her. As a God he lacked patience. He wanted everything to be solved immediately. If he had the power to right things why didn't others? Athena gave him a tobacco leaf. He cut it as Athena tossed nugs of Mary Jane onto the leaf. He rolled it and licked it. He watched Athena prepare the tea and place it in a pot of water. She brought it to the fireplace and put it over the fire. When she turned around she had a deep look on her face. She had no poker face. She wore her emotions like a Pisces. Apollo twiddled the blunt in his fingers.
"Pray tell me, what is the matter? Tell me now, Athena, before we smoke." Apollo said.
She paused by the fireplace. Her eyes met his then flinched away. He sat down in a comfortable chair and waited for her to speak."
"They think you are dead." Athena said.
"I'm not dead! I've been in Olympus dealing with Zeus!" Apollo snapped.
"I know that. They won't listen. They told me I'm not an Oracle anymore. I am just a crazy witch to the world." Athena began to cry.
Anger rushed through Apollo's soul. Heat flared through his veins. He stood up angrily. His hands balled into hard fists. He breathed heavily.
"Let's go to town now. Let's show them I am back. I dare them to call my sister crazy again and revoke her status as Oracle under my watch." Apollo said.
"Apollo, you must wait. You will scare them with your anger. They think you are dead." Athena said.
"I don't care." Apollo said.
"Yes, you do. You love those girls." Athena said.
"They are not always nice girls." Apollo replied.
"Apollo. You must think before you act." Athena pressed him.
Apollo paced inside her sitting chambers. He tried to calm himself with his breaths. His Godly ears heard the whistle of the tea. The tea was ready. Apollo walked over to the fire without a word. He took the pot and brought it to the kitchen table. Athena had two tea cups ready for them. He poured the tea into the cups. The steam rose in the air.
"It's hot." Apollo said.
"I know." Athena said.
They sat in silence waiting. Apollo could almost see the thoughts brewing in Athena's head. She was always thinking. He didn't know what to do to right things for her yet. The women of Delphi always warred for his favor. The thought crossed his mind that it was nice to be thought of as dead. None of them expected him to visit. He almost thought he could relax and let go, but he knew he had these connections to maintain. Even in Olympus, Apollo thought about his women of Delphi. He could not escape them no matter where he went. His soul was tied to all those who he loved.
"Apollo, pray tell me, why have you been away for so long?" Athena asked and broke the silence.
Apollo sighed. The spell had been broken. He was reminded of why he came here in the first place. He needed her advice. He met her cold stare.
"I had a son." Apollo admitted.
It was his first son. His only son. He was terrified to death about telling any of his Earth wives or daughters. He felt he was right to be scared. It was fight or flight. The sisterhood of Apollo could be dangerous and viscous.
"You what? With who?" Athena gasped.
She snapped him back out of his head.
"Aphrodite. The goddess of love." Apollo admitted wistfully.
"Holy Heavens. You created a God? What is his name?" Athena gasped again.
"Orpheus. He is talented with music like me." Apollo said.
"Can I meet him?" Athena asked.
"No, not yet. He lives in Olympus with Aphrodite." Apollo said.
"Have you told any one here?" Athena asked.
"Just you. I came to see you first. I don't know what to tell the other ladies." Apollo said.
    "Apollo, this is serious. They think you're dead." Athena said.
     "Are they all wearing black like you?" Apollo asked.
     "Yes. It is forbidden to wear color now." Athena told him.
    "What in the name of Hades? By whose order?"  Apollo asked.
    "Cora." Athena said simply.
    Then they shared a knowing look. Cora was a feisty almost fiery soul that would fight you tooth and nail. She was tough for a human. Cora proudly claimed Apollo as her husband and sported a tattoo of Apollo's name on her chest. Apollo knew that Athena was thinking Cora could be trouble. Especially with the news of his son. Cora would be heartbroken that she could not be the bearer of his first son. It was no secret that Apollo had been disappointed every time a new daughter was born. He wanted a son in his image. He wanted to see a reflection of himself on Earth. He felt drowned in the feminine pool by himself.
    "What should I do?" Apollo asked.
     "Be honest." Athena smirked.
    "To who?" Apollo asked.
    "To all your wives." Athena said, "Not that I should even have to tell you that much."
    "Athena, I always need your advice." Apollo said with a smile.
    "You always have me." Athena said.
    "I love you, my sister. I missed you." Apollo said before grabbing her into a hug.
     "I love you too, my brother. You've been gone too long." Athena said.
     He squeezed her tightly. He was so relieved to see her again. He was so thankful for her presence and energy that he wished words could describe the feeling of love he had for her, but he knew words had no justice for energy. Sometimes it just was. He just held her in the comfortable silence hoping that would show her his gratitude.
    "Oh High Olympus! Apollo is safe! Apollo is alive!" A loud voice cut through the air as a woman barged into the hut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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