1997 - Are we there yet?

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I rested my head against the car window, the side of my face harshly hitting the glass with each bump in the road, it hurt terribly but something seemed to compel me to stay. My boredom only grew as we drove on, my brain desperately trying to find ways to escape the tedium of moving.

I looked over at my older sister - small, black headphones sitting beautifully over her golden hair. I always envied my sister; her effortlessly perfect hair, her lovely hazel eyes, her button nose. I always wished to be as pretty as she was.

I wasn't horrible looking though; sure, my hair was mousy brown and unmanageable, my nose was a little too big for my face and my eyes were a dull, dark brown, but ever since I was little I was always complimented on one thing in particular: my smile. Everyone said my smile was quite pretty, something about the way my lips framed my teeth always seemed to stick out to people. That was one thing I loved dearly about myself, something to be proud of I suppose.

Out of pure boredom, I decided to annoy my sister, as is usually the case when I find myself victim to restlessness - an all too common occurrence. I lifted up her headphones and shouted in her ear.


"Oh my God!! Stop! You're so annoying Sadie!!"

"Girls, please stop bickering." My mum shouted from the front seat, "It gets awfully tiring you know."

Mum despised when me and Abigail argued, she said it drove her up the wall but we weren't always horrid to each other, we could be quite nice sometimes, when we were having a good day. Even when we were getting along mum would sometimes get angry at us, we'd tease each other a lot for fun and mum thinks its horrible and that we should speak more nicely to each other. 

Me and Abigail would find this very difficult seen as we shared a room, we constantly argued over the layout and decor of our room - Abigail always preferring pastel coloured furniture and more typically effeminate things, whereas I was always more of a "tom boy", so it came as no surprise that we wanted to decorate our room differently. Now that we were moving however, I think mum hoped we would argue less now we would have separate rooms, I hoped so too but didn't think this would actually be the case.

"10 minutes left." Dad called from the driver's seat, "I know it has been a long drive but please try and be good."

He was right, I had been a long drive, we were moving from Iowa to Minnesota and had been on the road for about 6 hours. Nevertheless, I was excited and by the glint in my sister's eyes I could tell she was too.

Just over 10 minutes later, our red Audi A3 pulled into the drive way of a colonial suburban house.

"We're here!" mum said cheerfully, obviously eager to go inside.

Me and Abigail excitedly ran out of the car and onto the porch, ignoring mum and dad's shouts for help with the boxes. Dad hurried over with the keys for the house and we all eagerly raced into the house and began to admire it, the house was much bigger than our previous and and felt a lot more comfortable, even with no furniture.

After a little unpacking and a break for some food, I finally was allowed upstairs to check out my room. It was a beautiful, with light blue panelling and a window right in the centre of the back wall, brightening up the room. 

"Finally, my own room!"

Dad had already set up my cabin bed and desk so I immediately began to unpack my boxes. Finally enjoying the luxury of being able to place things where I wished I let out a content sigh.

I placed down my favourite toy pig on the end of my bed and put my favourite tape into my boom box whilst I admired my work with that all so adored grin palstered across my face.

"Looks good to me, time to go play!"

A/N: First chapter done!! I spent so much time on this, please let me know what you think and if you want me to carry on the story, I have so many more ideas.

Thank you for reading, have a good day/night!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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