Chapter Eighteen

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Nyla Johnson

"Mane I'm so nervous," Taurus says holding my hand we are on our way to court courthouse so he can get full custody again since Crystal made a report we were keeping her child away and in a bad condition. I don't understand bitter baby mamas or baby daddies you should be happy your child still has two parents that taking care of them and not worrying about the next partner in their relationship.

"Baby everything going to be fine," I said kissing his lips while Tremani was sleeping in the back he wanted to come so he could take on the stand. He didn't want to leave us cause Crystal kept popping up making threats and coming to his school.

"Lil man was up all night with us," Taurus says.

"Yeah just hope this goes right and doesn't end up in a mess," I said we finally pulled to the court house everyone came out for Taurus and Tremani.

"Tre get up," I said tapping him as he moved around.

Taurus Bartlett

"Pops you ready," Tre says.

"Yea," I said as the door opened Crystal sat down with a big ass fur coat and glasses hair all messed up.

"Came looking embarrassing," Nyla says shaking her head.

"Okay, we here today for custody of Tremani Bartlett who was living with his father but Ms.Jones says her son was getting mistreated," The judge says.

"So what the problem Mr.Bartlett" He says.

"Ms.Jones came to my house where my wife and son lay banging on the door and started a fight and there is a video of her coming to my son's school," I said they showed the video.

"That's not me" She says people were laughing.

"Why y'all fucking laughing look at his wife with her big ass," She says making Nyla mug her.

"Ms.Jones be quiet before I put you out everyone body shape is beautiful," He says.

"So did come and violate the law not coming near your son and ex-boyfriend so I decide Tremani Bartlett stays with his father and stepmother" He says she went off yelling like a manic and following us.

To be continued....

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