Part 3

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"Gosh" crystal was looking at her wrist it was a shade red. "that dumb ass!" she cursed, walking aimlessly away from were she taught Stan was. When her thoughts were cleared she looked around, "shoot! am lost" she said to herself. She walked back towards the direction she came from but the forest looked alike.

"hello!! is anybody their?!!" she was shouting but no answer came.. "damn" she sat down waiting for someone to come looking for her but the forest was quite and dark.. "stupid Stan! I hate him!" she was crying now.

"Don't cry child" came a whisper like voice in the wind. "who's their?", Crystal was scared. "Do not fret love we are old friends of yours". "who are you?", 'Guardians" replied the voice "what do you want?", "you".


"what's that on your shirt Stan" everybody had a shocked expression on his/her face. "I fell down trying to get back here and I cut myself, where is Crystal? " he asked "we thought she was with you". "we got seperated "," I wonder how that happened " commented someone sarcastically." we should probably go look for her, "She might be lost" everyone set out in search of Crystal.

Crystal was now running away from the voice, she didn't know what was happening, all she knew was that she shouldn't get caught. "you cannot run from us" the wind grew heavier and the trees became bigger and darker. "we have found you now, our master will surely reward us" Crystal was still running her feet grew heavier and her mind became blank she knew that if she didn't scream she would be lost. "Someone! Please! Save me!!". "nobody is coming for you princess you are already in our..!! What! What is he doing here?! Let's.. " before the voice finished a bright light came out of nowhere it startled Crystal and she fell down hitting her head she became unconscious.

Crystal senses came back to her, she didn't know where she was, she could smell the sweet scent of flowers, it was quite apart from the birds singing, what happened then it came back to her and she quickly sat up from bed, that's when the pain shot through her system," ouch!! " she fell back on a soft pillow. Her environment wasn't familiar, the room looked like it was carved out from those 19th century movies but it looked a bit modern and expensive. She tried to get up once more but a hand stopped her. She looked towards the person and that's when it hit her she was definitely dead and this was her angel.

The man sitting on a chair next to her bed had blonde hair held back in a pony tail and his eyes were the color of the sea.. Very deep blue sea, his body and face looked muscular and his face? serious, expressionless. " do not try to move my lady you hit your head badly". His voice was soft and enchanting it washed over her like the softest of silk.. "am I dead?" he looked at her and replied "no I believe not", "then you are not my angel? " his eyes looked shocked he was blushing, "I am naught but your humble servant my liege". "why do you keep calling me that?".

"because that is who you trully are." replied Amy she was standing by the door with Micheal her expression sad, "we tried our best to protect you, to have you live a normal human life just the way your parents wanted but it's impossible now. Now that he knows where you are he will keep coming back till he gets you". "Who?" I will tell you a story the world is of seven types you are from the human world and we from Xyst another world entirely different from yours. It was written down in history that a girl from your lineage will bring the end of the demon lords era, and so we have protected your family for generations now, and you my child is the last of your kind. You are the only one left, you are our last hope.

Alistair is your protector he is the strongest of your guardian.. Crystal' s head was spinning now, all this information was making her sick her head was hurting. "that's enough" The man Alistair spoke "let the princess sleep" Crystal closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Crystal opened her eyes once more she was in the room alone now the curtains were closed she started crying.

Alistair could hear her sobs from were he stood outside the door, Guardians were not suppose to get close to royalty but a part of him wanted to go to her and tell her it was going to be fine. She was quite now, probably asleep he thought. "sir the books have arrived" said one of the maids. "Thank you" he replied

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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