Chapter 2

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Butter pressed the elevator button that said 'B'. as the elevator moved, Butters felt himself get nauseous. He kept his smile, as if he was a happy to be here, but he wasn't.

He waited, and waited until the elevator stopped and he came to an empty hallway. It was a clean, organized hallway. It was like nobody lived here.

He stepped out of the elevator and began to walk, looking at each and every door looking for door 69.  At some point, he made it to the door, and he unlocked it with his key.

As he opened the door, it smelt like something was burning. He found a redheaded boy, who assumed was his roommate, Kyle, straightening his hair.

Butters waved awkwardly at him.

"Uh...Who are you..?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, I'm Butters."

"Butters? That's a dumb name. Your parents don't love you."

"It's not actually Butters, it's just a nickname."

"Oh, okay. Are you new?"


"And I'm you're roommate?"

"Unless you're name isn't Kyle."

"Oh, well don't touch my stuff."


"No, I mean it. Don't touch my stuff. If you do, I'll break you're arm. I'll put green sticky notes on my stuff, so don't touch it, unless we agree to share it."

"Okay..." Butters said awkwardly.

"Also you can have the top bunk."

Butters hadn't even noticed the dorm itself. It was pretty small, not too small, but pretty small.

It had a bunk bed, two closets, a desk, and a mini fridge. The room was decorated pretty fairly. Kyle had stickers and pictures on the mini fridge and the bottom bunk he had a couple of Polaroid pictures of him and some other people. Probably his friends and family.

Butters put his stuff on the top bunk, and sat on the bed.

"So Butters, what do you like to do..?" Kyle said as he continued to straighten his hair.

"Oh, I don't really know.."

"How the fuck do you not know what you like?"

"I-i don't know.. I never really thought about it that much.."

"Well, why are you at this here?"

"My parents sent me here. They're getting a divorce, and didn't want me around."

"I want you to think about what you just said."

Butters thought for a moment.

Kyle spoke up, "You got it yet?"


"You're clueless. That's a great movie, though."

"I've never seen it."

"Yeah, because your parents don't love you." Kyle said, spraying heat protection spray in his hair.

"What makes you think that?" Butters asked.

"Well for one, your nickname is Butters, and you're parents sent you away because they didn't want you. Seems pretty easy."

"Oh, okay. Why are you straightening your hair?"

"Why the fuck are you in my business?"

"I thought that's what we were doing?"

"Doing what?"

"Asking eachother questions..?"

"You really are dumb. Are you autistic or something?"

"No? I don't think I am."

"Kay. I'm straightening my hair because it makes it easier to cut it."


There was a bit of a silence before Kyle spoke up again, "Doesn't that make me weird to you?"

"No? Why would it be weird? It think it's perfectly normal for fellas to straighten their hair."

"Doesn't the make me seem... gay or something?"

"Not really, I straightened my hair once. My dad got mad and he grounded me for trying to be girly and fruity."

"My parents only let me straighten my hair so I can cut it."

"Are you're parents strict?"

"Sort of. Only when they want to be."

"My parents are strict. That's only because they care."

"Do they though?"

"I'm pretty sure they do. They don't have any reason not to care."

"Yeah, okay."

"Where are you from?" Butters asked.


"Wow, is it nice there?"

"It's anything but nice." Kyle said plainly, "Everybody is here for a reason. Everybody has something waiting for them on the other side."

"Oh hamburgers, that sounds tough."

"It's not that bad here. All you have to do is hang out with the right group. Hangout with the wrong person and you can be done."

"Like by association?"

"Nope, not at all. I can't really talk about it since these walls are paper thin, but when you know, you know."


"I mean it, you're a decent guy, and you don't want your life ruined because you decided to hangout with someone who's never experienced empathy for someone other than themself."

"Okay, I'll try."

Kyle didn't talk much after that.

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