Chapter 3

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Butters was supposed to start school today. After being in the building for a week, nobody had really seemed to acknowledge him. He was sort of used to it.

He had met one kid named Pip. Pip wasn't his real name, but he couldn't really remember it. He said that Pip was just a nickname, and he couldn't remember his name.

Besides that, Pip offered to bring Butters to his homeroom class. He was in Ms. Authorneedssleep's class. While Pip wasn't in her class, he still offered to bring Butters.

Butters found himself sitting next to an overweight kid. The kid had a red coat, and a yellow and blue hat.

"Are you new?" The kid asked.

Butters nodded.

"Oh well, you seem like a really nice guy." The kid said.

"Thank you." Butters said.

"Who's you're roommate?"

"Uh, Kyle Broflovski?"

"Wow, you have an aggressive jew for a roommate. Not to talk bad about Kyle, but he can't help the fact that he's a pathological liar."


"Yeah, Kyle's a liar. He's here on a scholarship. A full scholarship. People say he cheated on the scholarship application." The kid went on.


"Yeah.. I'm Eric, Eric Cartman."

"Nice to meet you Eric, I'm Butters."

"Is that you're real name or something?"

"No? It's a nickname. I just kind of use it for everything."

"Like that weird british kid Pip?"

"Pip? Why is he weird?"

"People think that he forgot his name. Plus his parents are dead."


"Yeah.. do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch? We're totally kewl."


"Well, I'll see you there."


As the bell rung, Butters found himself in a daze. Was this happening? Eric was seeing Butters as a nice guy, and he got to sit with him at lunch.

Butters kept thinking about how good Eric would be as his friend. He packed up and went to his next class.

It was science. He sat behind a couple that kept passing notes to eachother. One was a blonde, who had looked he didnt know what sleep or a brush was. The other looked like... he looked normal for the most part, just stoic.

Then, it was time for English, which wasn't too hard since the teacher just handed out work and when you were done, you could do whatever. It was kind of like a free period.

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