Chapter 5

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Butters couldn't sleep that night. He stayed in bed and hugged his knees. He felt scared. He hated being alone.

At some point, Kyle came back from the party. He was fine, but he noticed Butters crying on his bed, "What's wrong with you?" He would ask.

"I don't know anymore." Butters said looking at Kyle directly.

"Well, try to explain it." Kyle said.

"Cartman he-"

"That bastard did something?"

"Yeah, something really bad. I'd hate to talk about it."

"Just tell me, I'll can't help you if you can't tell me what's wrong."

"Cartman. We were all at the party and he pulled me into a room. He hit me, and told me to do what he said.." Butters started, his eyes beginning to water and he voice cracking, "He tried to rape me. I pushed him and left. I don't know what to do." Butters said, he was beginning to cry, and his voice was shaking and he was too.

"Woah. You need to tell someone. He can get kicked out of school for this. You'd be a legend, he'd be gone. Out of everyone's lives. You can literally ruin his life." Kyle rambled.

"Oh but Kyle, I don't wanna ruin anybody's life." Butters said between sobs.

"Butters, you do not realize what the severity of this situation is. You can save lives, and reputations-"

"But I don't care about being a legend, I don't know what to do but I don't want something to happen anybody. I just need to figure myself out."

"Butters, I understand you're choice. But, you don't know what you're letting happen to yourself." Kyle said before going to his bed and laying down.

"Why is everyone at this school so discreet?" Butters wondered to himself ad he tried to sleep. He couldn't sleep, it felt like his body just wouldn't let him.

Butters got up when his alarm went off, he couldn't miss school without a good reason. Butters got up and forced a smile. Butters left his dorm and brushed his teeth in the mostly empty bathroom, there were only two boys in there.

Pip and some French kid with brown hair, and from Butters understanding, they hated eachother. Butters got dressed for school and went to breakfast. Which was not as empty as the bathroom was.

Butters got in the lunch line and caught a glimpse of Cartman, but ignored him. He didn't sit with everyone that morning, instead he sat with Pip and his friends, that was mostly foreign kids from Europe.

Pip introduced all of his friends, the two blondes, who kept insulting eachother were Gregory and Estella. The redhead who always seemed to correct Pip was Pocket. The brunette who Pip despised was Christophe, mostly known as The Mole.

Last but not least, Damien, the school's local terrorist, or Pip's boyfriend. It was kind of crazy to Butters since they were complete opposites.

The group didn't seem to get along very well, but they were all sort of outcasts.

Nobody wanted to hangout with foreign kids.

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