Chapter 6

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Butters was hating every moment of his day. He ignored everybody until lunch.

Lunch was the same as breakfast, Pocket was correcting Pip, Gregory and Estella were arguing, Christophe trying to get close to Gregory, Damien occasionally showing Pip what was on his phone, and Pip trying to talk to Butters about his day and whatnot.

"So, then he-" Pip said putting his elbow on the table.

"Putting your elbow on the table is really impolite, Philip." Pocket corrected.

"Stop calling me that."

"Why? That's you're name-"

"You know Cartmans talking shit about you on his Instagram live." Damien spoke up.

Butters looked at Damien, "What?"

Damien turned his phone around and showed Butters Cartman's Instagram live, where he was talking about Butters. From what Butters could tell, he was in the hallway just talking with Kenny, Stan, and Kyle in the background doing nothing.

"Yeah, Butters wants to act like he doesn't know me or something. Butters wasn't this quiet when I was giving it to him in the best way possible. Like he wasn't screaming my name or something."

Butters just stared, then he blinked a few times, "Where is he?"

"I don't know, like in the hallway by Mrs. Hairyvagina's class." Damien said.

"Well, I'll be back in a minute. I'll catch you guys later." Butters said excusing himself from the table.

Butters walked out of the Cafeteria in a nonchalant way. He walked down the hall, up the stairs, and down another hall to the right. There he was, Eric Cartman. He was walking with Stan, Kenny, and Kyle.

Butters felt all the sadness he felt previously, disappear. He felt anger. He felt rage. He kept a straight face, he rolled up his sleeves and walked over to Cartman.

He tapped Cartman on the shoulder, and as he turned around Butters punched him in the face. He kept punching and he didn't stop. He and Cartman were on the ground, and Butters kept punching his face. He didn't care anymore.

A teacher walked by and pulled Butters off of Cartman, who was all types of bloody and bruised.

Kenny, Kyle and Stan just watched as Eric got beat up, they watched as Butters got dragged off of Cartman. Stan had been recording the fight. Kyle was just watching. Kenny watched from a distance.

Butters found himself in the principal's office. He was sitting across from PC Principal.

"So, Butters. Do you think you can tell me why you beat up Eric Cartman? "

"He did a lot. We were supposed to be friends..."

"Try to just break it down."

"W-well, there was a party we went to. There was alcohol, and drugs. I didn't know what to do so I was just there. He pulled me into a room and.."


"And he tried to rape me.. I left. Then he started telling everyone I consensually had sex with him. I cried a bunch and then I got mad. He was saying a bunch of stuff and he wouldn't stop. I got really mad. So, I fought him. If he was going to keep talking bad about me, I couldn't really do anything about it." Butters said, as tears welled up in his eyes.

PC Principal looked pretty mad but didn't say anything about it, "I'll inform both of your parents. Is there anybody else who is aware of this?"

"My roommate, Kyle. Maybe Kenny."

"Are you sure Kenny McCormick knows something about this?"

"I'm not really sure. I mean, he was with me when Eric pulled my away. We were talking about something, I think he was trying to bring me home or something."

"I doubt that he was just trying to bring you home."

"Okay...Well, you can go back to your dorm. I will notify your parents and speak to Eric Cartman."

Butters nodded. He stood up and left the office. He did as he was told and went back to his dorm.

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now