Chapter 8

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Butters woke up the following morning with a smile on his face. He tried to ignore all the bad thoughts, and he did.

Today was going to be a good day.

Butters went to breakfast with the Foreign Kids so there wasn't much to think about. His day was going good. A little too good..

Nobody seemed to be bothered by his existence.

Nobody seemed mad at him

Everything was normal.

Every classroom was full of chatter. Mostly everyone talking about what they were going to do over the break.

At some point Kenny came over to Butters.

Butters didn't really care since they weren't really friends. They hardly interacted with eachother. They've barely had 5 conversations. Butters didn't mind though. He enjoyed Kenny's company.

"Hey Butters." Kenny said.

"Hey Kenny, do ya need something?"

"Nah, was just wondering what you were doing over the break."

"Oh, I gotta go to Hawaii."


"My family's going down there for Christmas."

"I thought your parents were getting divorced? Why would they be around eachother?"

My parents are getting divorced. My mom is staying with her family and my dad is staying with his. I was born in Hawaii."

"Wow, really? Why didn't your parents stay?"

"They didn't want to raise their child on a bunch of tiny little islands in the middle of basically nowhere. So they moved to California, I think it's warmer in Cali because of its like the center of global warming."


"Yeah, what are you doing over the break?"

"I'm staying at school. I grew up in this town, so I would give my little sister her present and come back."

"Hamburgers.. if you want to, you can come to Hawaii with me!" Butters said enthusiastically.

"That's a nice offer, but I wouldn't want to go with Hawaii without my sister. I don't think she'd want to go on a plane since she doesn't like flying. She's really scared of heights.

"Oh. Well, that's fine. I don't want to go to Hawaii."


"I don't like seeing all my family-"

"Like who?"

"My grandma, my Uncle Bud, my little cousins. I guess I only want to go see my mom to see how she's doing."

"Damn, well.. I could give you my number so you're not completely bored.."

"That'd be nice," Butters said.

The two exchanged numbers and went on with their conversation.

The class eventually ended, and Butters left to go to lunch.

There he sat with Pocket, Gregory, Christophe, Damien, Pip, Estella and some other girl.

She had brown, curly hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin.

Butters never noticed her so he didn't know her. He sat where he usually sat.

Pip spoke up, "Rebecca, this is Butters. Butters, say hi."

"Hi!" Butters said happily to the girl, who was now named Rebecca.

She waved at Butters.

Pip and Butters began to talk.

"You seem rather happy today." Pip said.

"Yeah, literally nothing can ruin my day." Butters said, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Spoke too soon." Damien said not looking up from his phone.

Butters shrugged off Damien's comment, even though Damien was always right. He opened his phone and saw something he probably didn't want to right now.

Charlotte - I'm breaking up with you

Charlotte - don't contact me again

Butters felt all his confidence and happiness wash away. His heart probably shattered into million pieces or something. He felt his heart ache.

Butters put down his phone and put his head down.

"My girlfriend just broke up with me." He mumbled.

The table got really quiet. Nobody said anything.

"So, you can't pull?" Estella asked.

"That's what I'm hearing." Damien added.

"You guys are actually mean." Pocket said.

Gregory spoke up, "You guys can't be mad at him. I mean, it was a long distance relationship, there was a strong chance it wasn't going to work out. Maybe she just didn't like Butters anymore. It's not even that big of a deal."

"Are you saying that because Wendy Testeburger left you for Stan Marsh?" Estella asked.

"This has nothing to do with Wendy!" Gregory yelled at Estella.

They began to argue again. Pocket was making conversation with Rebecca. Christophe had disappeared.

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend. She doesn't deserve you at all." Pip said sounding slightly sarcastic.

Damien was back on his phone and Pip was back to talking about anything.

Butter's good day, went really bad.

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now