Chapter 9

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Butters began to mope around like a sad puppy. Butters couldn't keep thinking about how she just.. left.

She broke up with him for no reason. She didn't even give him a reason, and it made Butters think, what was wrong with him?

Butters didn't even know what he did.

Maybe it was because he didn't know how to listen. Whenever his parents told him something, he would disobey.

Maybe it was because Butters couldn't ever talk with her since he was always grounded.

Maybe it was because Butters was in a completely different country than her.

Butters will never know. After he somehow completed his day at school, he came back to his dorm where Kyle was. Kyle was reading a book, maybe it was for school or something.

"What's wrong with you?" Kyle questioned.

Butters just shook his head and went on his bed. His phone buzzed and he picked it up, it was from Kenny.

Maybe Kenny could make him feel better..

Kenny - Hi

Kenny - or howdy

Kenny - idrk

Butters - Hi and/or Howdy is fine :)

Kenny - bro who actually talks like that

Butters - idk like people who can get Grammerley

Butters - *Grammarly

Kenny - anyways random question: what's ur favorite jolly rancher

Butters - hmmmmm

Butters - I like the grape ones

Butters- wbu

Kenny - I like blue raspberry

Butters - I'm so ready for winter break

Kenny - who isn't lol

Butters - ngl I've been having a bad day

Kenny - actually?

Kenny - tell me about it

Butters - my girlfriend broke up with me

Kenny - damn

Kenny - she don't deserve you

Kenny - you're prolly too good for her

Kenny- she gonna want you back frfr

Butters - she didn't give me a reason

Butters - she just ended it

Kenny - she might've became a lesbian

Kenny - it happened to Stan so idk

Kenny - u should prolly talk about that since his girlfriend like js left him for Bebe Stevens

Kenny - so now they're lesbians

Butters - you type so fast

Butters - bro like how

Kenny - idk

Kenny - mb ur js slow typer

Butters - idk bro

Kenny - well I'll see you in class tomorrow ;)

Butters - I'll see you ig

Butters put down his phone ending the slightly fast paced conversation. Then he began to to think. Which nothing good ever happens when Butters starts to think.

With what Stan and Kyle told him, Kenny was Cartman's best friend, and pretty much his lackey. Kenny might not actually be interested in him.

Kenny could be using him because Cartman told him to. But Kenny was really nice.. Plus he and Butters don't have any reason not to be friends.

They were both good individuals and they both seemed to go well together.

Maybe Butters would have to keep an eye on Kenny..


Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now