Chapter 12

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That night, Butters, his father, and Kenny sat down for dinner. His dad had gotten takeout, so they were having that for dinner that night. The men ate in silence.

The silence wasn't loud, but it had a bit of tension in the air.

"Butters, do you really want to spend other half of the break with your mother?" His father asked.

Butters shrugged, "I just wanted to make a suggestion, y'know?"

"I didn't raise you to make suggestions, Butters." His father said plainly.

Butters nodded slowly.

"So, Kenny, where are you from?" His father asked, trying to lighten the mood somehow.

"I'm from Colorado." Kenny said.

"Nice. What is it like there?" Butters father asked.

"Cold. It is cold. It is really cold." Kenny said plainly, "It's home, though." Kenny said smiling a bit.

"Sounds... pretty cold." Stephen said forcing a smile, "What is your family like?" He asked.

Kenny shrugged, "My mom is a hooker, and my dad stays home. My brother doesn't live with us anymore. My little sister is really sweet though, she's turning 15."

Stephen kept that forced smile, "Wow. Your family is definitely something. Say, how come you're going to boarding school?" He asked.

"Oh, I've been going on a full scholarship. I've kind of been around the school my whole life, since it's in the area I live out in that area. The school thinks I have potential and all that stuff, so yeah." Kenny said plainly.

"Uh huh." Stephen said blankly, "Well, Butters next week we have dinner with Grandma and your Aunt and Uncle." Stephen reminded.

"Okay." Butters said plainly.

"Aren't you excited?" Butters' dad asked.

"Yeah, I am-"

"You don't sound excited." His father said.

"Sorry." Butters apologized.

His father ignored him and went back to Kenny, "I appreciate your honesty, young man. I think you'll be a good friend for Butters." His father said sweetly.

Kenny nodded.

"It's nice to have you around, Kenny." His father said before going back to his food, "How is school, Butters."

"Kind of crazy so far. That's what happens when you start in the middle of the school year." Butters said quietly, not too quiet to the point you couldn't hear, more like he was scared to talk.

"That's nice. At least your not getting into trouble, right?" His father said.

Butters shrugged.

"You know, the school called me and your mother. Regarding you and another boy?" His father went on, "Do you want to talk about it?" His father asked.

"I'm fine." Butters said plainly, "I just got a bit mad." Butters said simply.

Kenny chuckled a bit, "A bit mad is a bit of an understatement." He said.

Butters shrugged again, "I guess you could say that."

His father seemed annoyed by Butters, but didn't engage in the conversation further. He continued eating and once dinner was finished, Butters cleared the table and washed the dishes.

Kenny went back into the room he and Butters had been sharing. He changed into a plain t-shirt and orange sweatpants. He got into bed and Butters followed into the room and changing into pajamas. He laid down next to Kenny as Kenny was already asleep.

Butters turned to face Kenny as he slept, he was sleeping so... soundly. He slept as if there was nothing in the world to worry about. He slept as if he had two loving parents who cared about him and his future. He slept as if everything in the world was absolutely perfect.

Butters didn't understand how he got all that just from watching someone sleep, but that's just how he looked to Butters. Maybe Butters was being completely psychotic.

Tomorrow is another day.

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now