Chapter 13

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Today, Butters found himself being told by his father to leave, and visit his mom.

Initially, Butters didn't question it. He soon realized that his dad was trying to get him out the house for a completely different reason.

He and Kenny left his father's hotel room and went up another floor and down the hall, where his mother was staying.

Butters knocked in the door, where his mother came rather quickly.

"Butters? Why are you here?" His mother asked. The room had a distict smell. Kind of like Bath & Body Works.

"Uh... Dad sent me here." Butters said simply.

His mother looked Kenny up and down, "And.. Who is this?" His mother asked, gesturing towards Kenny.

"Oh, right.. This is Kenny, and he's pretty much the only reason I got here." Butters explained simply.

"Oh, then nice to meet you, Kenny." His mother said giving a warm smile.

"Hi, Mrs. Stotch." Kenny mumbled under his hoodie.

Butters mom stared at Kenny for a moment, "Young man, I can't quite understand you." His mother said, visibly confused.

Kenny pulled his hood down to reveal his entire face. Kenny had light blue eyes, light freckles that were mostly on his nose, and when he smiled, he has a slight tooth gap.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Mrs. Stotch." Kenny apologized with a firm, but seemingly apologetic tone, "It's just as nice to meet you, ma'am."

Butters mom stared at Kenny for a moment longer, before nodding blankly, "Well, come inside." She said simply, stepping out of the way so the two could step inside the hotel room.

The two stepped inside the hotel room, which was really clean compared to Butters dad's hotel room.

Her room was tidy, and clean, she had candles lit to keep the room smelling fresh. Butters dad's room had clothes on the floor and alcohol in the fridge, it had a distict smell and it seemed like it was enpty even though Butters dad never left the living room.

"So, you kids can... watch T.V or something, I'll make a snack for you guys." Butters mom said before going into the kitchen and beginning cook something.

"Okay, mom." Butters said before leading Kenny over to the living room and  sitting on the couch.

He gave Kenny the remote so he could pick something to watch, which Kenny ended up not being pick so he was just chanel surfing. Butters went on his phone and went on snapchat and began looking at everyone's stories.

For some reason, Cartman hadn't blocked him but he was just eating.

Kyle ended up going back to New Jersey to see his family.

And Stan was apparently going somewhere with his dad and sister, Shelley.

Pip and Damien was just walking around the school doing practically nothing.

Rebecca had Estella all over her story.

Gregory was blogging with Christophe for... moral support?

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now