Chapter 14

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"Stan?" Kenny asked seemingly confused.

"Kenny? Butters?" Stan asked looking up from his phone.

"Why are you here?" Butters asked, just as confused as Kenny.

Stan shrugged, "My dad brought us to meet his new boyfriend."

"That doesn't make a lot of sense." Butters said plainly.

"Why not?" Stan asked.

"Because I always thought my dad was homophobic, until he wasn't, and he admitted to being bi-curious." Butters explained, "I don't think he's homophobic anymore, I guess."

"I mean, we're all a little gay." Stan said simply.

"Wait- all i'm getting from this conversation is that your dad's are gay for eachother and are probably having rough gay sex regularly." Kenny remarked.

Butters and Stan turned to Kenny, in a moment of silence.

"Why the fuck would you say that?" Stan asked, he voice cracking slightly.

"What is actually wrong with you?" Butters asked, glaring at Kenny.

"Hey- I'm just thinking realistically! I mean, it sounds like you guys are going to be step-siblings."

"But why would you say that, of all things?! It's gross thinking about my dad getting pegged by Butters' dad." Stan said, seeming disgusted.

Butters sat down on the bed and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Maybe you should ask in the morning?" Kenny asked.

Butters shrugged, "I guess."

"Can we go to bed, now? I'm tired." Stan asked.

"You can go to bed. I'm not really tired." Butters said plainly.

Stan shrugged and laid down without another words.

Butters just sat there for a moment, before getting up and going into the bathroom. The shower began to run, which told Kenny that Butters was going to shower.

Kenny ended up changing his clothes and laid down next to Stan.

After a couple minutes, Butters came out the shower and finally laid down next to Kenny.


Kenny was the first to wake up the next morning. He got out of bed and went into the bathroom and took a shower.

Butters woke up after him, he went to the kitchen to see a girl with red hair in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal, she seemed kind of agitated so Butters didn't want to bother her.

He took a bowl out of the cabinet and poured himself a bowl of Frosted Flakes and sat down at the table. He munched and crunched on the cereal not paying much attention to the girl in front of him.

"Can you stop chewing so loud?" The girl asked, finally looking up at Butters.

Butters looked back up at her, "Sorry." He apologized quietly. He started to chew slower and hopefully not as loud.

The girl went back to eating her cereal, then she looked back up at Butters, "Really? That's it?" She asked, seemingly dumbfounded.

Butters nodded slowly, as if he didn't understand the reaction.

"You're not going to start chewing even louder on purpose? You're not going to just say no? You're just gonna do it because I said so?" She asked, just as confused, her voice slightly nasally.

"Why would I do any of that? That'd be pretty petty." Butters inquired.

The girl shrugged, "My brother does it all the time. It gets on my nerves."

"Stan is your brother, right?"

The girl nodded.

"He says you used to beat him up all the time."

"I mean, I used to. He's not really worth my time anymore." The girl said simply, "My name is Shelley, by the way. Considering how we don't know eachother." Shelley explained.

"Hi, Shelley. I'm Butters. I think I'm gonna be your new stepbrother."

"Yeah.. I would never think that my dad would like a guy. I thought that he would just be another fuck boy after he and my mom got divorced." Shelley said staring off into nothingness.

"I never thought my dad would even consider being with a guy. I thought he would just be another alcoholic in this insanely messed up world." Butters said plainly.

Shelley chuckled at that, "Atleast you're being honest." She said with a slight smile.

Butters shrugged, "I guess." He mumbled.

Shelley got up from the table and put her bowl into the sink, and went back into her room.

Butters ended up making a mental to talk to his dad later.

He wanted to know what was going on.

Butters sighed at the thought alone.

Tomorrow is another day.

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now