Chapter 15

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At some point, Butters was in the kitchen waiting for lunch. Randy, was making it because he was supposedly good at that kind of stuff.

Butter began to question Randy, mentally of course.

Was he the girl in the relationship?

Was he actually going to be Butters stepdad?

Would he have to see Randy during second Christmas?

Questions flooded Butters head, he obviously didn't say anthing.

Asking questions was never good. Never, no matter what the circumstances were, Butters could not ask questions.

He wasn't raised to ask questions.

He wasn't raised to wonder about the world.

He was raised to believe what he was told.

Randy had made pasta, and Butters ate it, Randy stared questioning him.

"So... how's school?" Randy asked.

"Fine." Butters said simply.

"Anything happen?" Randy asked.

Butters shrugged, "I almost got raped and my girlfriend broke up with me."

"Wow, that must be tough."

Butters shrugged again, "I guess."

"Any friends?"

"Well, I was friends with this kid named Cartman but he tried to rape me, so we aren't friends anymore. I'm friends with Kyle, Stan and Kenny. But we don't really talk. I'm friends with Pip, Damien and Rebbeca. At this point everyone else in our friend group hates eachother. So, I'd say I like have a couple friends." Butters went on quickly.

"Hm. Tell me about Cartman."

"He's racist, antisemitic, misogynistic, as far as I know."

"Not homophobic?"

"Nah, he thinks your son and his best friend are dating."


"Well, sounds like life's been hard on you, but thats just what it is. It'll probably get better after high school." Randy explained simply, "Oh, and your dad said he wanted to talk to you." Randy added.

"Uh, Okay. Thanks Randy!" Butters said before rushing out of the room and into his father's room.

There, his father sat at the desk in the hotel room. The room had a odd feeling.

It was a feeling Butters knew well.

Butters felt like he was about to get in trouble.

He had to watch every move he made.

"Hi dad. Randy said you wanted to talk?" Butters inquired silently.

Butters dad took off his glasses and stood up, "How are you feeling? With everything in general."

Butters shrugged, "Shitty. Actually really horrible." Butters admitted.

"Why is that?" Butters dad asked.

"School sucks. Nobody to talk to besides Kenny." Butters said simply.

"Uh huh. Elaborate on that for me."

"Well, for a month I was somebody's lackey. Meaning, I was doing everything for him because I wanted to be a good friend and prove myself. He ended up trying to rape me at some party. I stopped talking to him, and then he told everyone I had actually slept with him, then I beat him up and now when the school has parents day, we have to have a meeting on that."

"Well, is he still messing with you?" Stephen asked.

"No. It still bothers me."

"You beat him up once, that's all you need to do. He isn't gonna bother you."

Butters stared at his father for a moment. Was his dad actually trying to give him good advice?

"Also, I meant how are you feeling about the divorce." His father clarified.

"Oh." Butters muttered, "I dunno. I'm upset my parents can't stand eachother to the point they have to break up. It was bound to happen, I guess. I mean, it doesn't really affect me that much. I'm about to go to college, y'know?" Butters explained rather simply.

"That's alright, I guess." Stephen said simply, "What about Randy? I know you're friends with his son, Stan. So, how do you feel about that?" Stephen asked, becoming more specific.

"I'm fine with that. Randy seems cool. Stan is cool too, I guess."

Butters stared at him for a minute.

"Are you serious right now?" Stephen asked.

"What? I just gave my opinion, Randy is pretty cool as far as I can tell."

"Butters." His father said firmly, obviously annoyed by that response, "I just sat here and let you bitch about school, and all I wanted was your opinion. Then, you just give 'Oh i think he cool?!" Butters dad was getting more mad by the second.

"Don't you think you should've been a little more specific, dad?" Butter suggested.

"I think I was being specific enough! You and your mother are just the same, you both always need something to be specific like it isn't the only thing I've been talking about for weeks!"

"I can understand why your frustrated but maybe-"

"That's it!" Butters father yelled, "Butters, you are grounded! Go to your room, now!" He yelled.

Butters sighed, "Yes, sir.." He mumbled, before exiting the room.

He walked back to his room, looking ashamed, keeping his eyes on the floor. He couldnt bring himself to look at anybody else. Once he was in his room he flopped down onto the bed.

Then he reminded himself about two things. His phone, and his burner phone.

His dad didn't know about his burner phone. His dad was obviously going to take his phone for the rest of the week. But he still had his burner phone, nobody knew about that.

Well, this was going to be a long day.

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