Gay Club Anthem

45 5 11

Radiant Pride

(Verse 1)

In the heart of the night, under neon lights 

We gather as one, our spirits ignite 

With every step we take, we defy the dark  

Our love is a flame, leaving it's mark.


We're the rebels, the dreamers, the ones who shine bright 

 Breaking down barriers, we own the night  

With pride in our hearts and fire in our eyes 

Together we'll rise, reaching for the skies


We are the warriors, fearless and bold. 

In a world that tried to change us, we broke the mold 

Unapologetically we stand tall and free

In this radiant love, we'll forever be.    

(Verse 2) 

From every corner, from every land

We come together, hand in hand  

With colors that dance, in a kaleidoscope 

Our unity's strength, a boundless hope 


We're the voices of passion, of love unchained 

In the face of adversity, we remain unafraid

With courage as our compass, we'll pave the way

For a future where loves celebrated every day


We are the warriors, fearless and bold. 

In a world that tried to change us, we broke the mold  

Unapologetically we stand tall and free 

In this radiant love, we'll forever be     


No more hiding, no more fear

We'll shout our truth, loud and clear

In the light of acceptance, we'll thrive 

Our spirits ablaze, we'll keep this dream alive         


We are the warriors, fearless and bold

In a world that tried to change us, we broke the mold 

Unapologetically we stand tall and free

In this radiant love, we'll forever be


So let our anthem echo far and wide

 A testament to love, our fearless pride 

In unity and strength, our spirits soar 

This is our anthem, forevermore 

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