Chapter 16

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Butters sat in his room, staring at the wall.

Stan came and sat down on the floor and started texting Kyle.

Kenny went back to sleep.

There wasn't much to do for Butters. He could've watched TV but he'd probably end up grounded longer.

So he ended up waiting.

That's what he ended up doing.


At some point, everyone started getting dressed for a party that was going on downstairs. Randy kept telling Butters to get dressed, seemingly unaware of the fact he was grounded.

So, thats what Butters did, he put on a t-shirt, cargo shorts, and flip-flops. He put on deodorant and lotion. Then he was ready to go.

Butters, Stan, Randy, Stephen, Kenny, and Shelley went downstairs to the lobby of the hotel they were staying at.

Outside, is a little courtyard people tended to have parties and get togethers in. There was music blasting in the background.

The group made their way outside where music was playing and people were dancing, and drinking ChiChi's.

While the group dispersed, Randy and Stephen went off, and the kids found themselves at the bar. Butters was drinking a ChiChi. Kenny and Stan were sharing chili cheese fries, and Shelley was on her phone.

"What's in that?" Kenny asked, pointing at Butters drink.

"Pineapple juice, Vodka, and Coconut milk, or coconut water... I forgot."

"Does your dad let you drink that stuff?" Shelley asked, looking up from her phone.

Butters shrugged, "He doesn't really care." Butters said taking a sip of the ChiChi.

"Your dad lets you drink vodka?" Stan asked.

Butters shrugged, "He doesn't really acknowledge it."

Stan shrugged and went back to his fries.

For a majority of the night, the group stayed at the bar, since they didn't know anybody and nobody knew them.

Shelley announced that she was going back to the room to go pee, and pretty much everyone followed after her. After Shelley was done, she went back downstairs. Butters, Stan, and Kenny stayed upstairs.

Butters could hardly walk straight and Kenny advised him to stay in the room. Stan wasn't leaving without a real reason, so he ended up watching TV.

Butters threw up once or twice but it didn't bother Kenny much. He was used to this.

Butters began to cry silently, Kenny was next to him and turned to him, mostly confused.

"Butters?" He asked, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I hate it here!" Butters sobbed, "I hate it! I hate it!" He whined.

"Butters, don't you think you're being a little... irrational?" Kenny inquired, trying to make the situation better somehow.

Butters cried even more, hugging his knees, "You're not helping!" He whined, getting even louder than before.

"Well, what's wrong?" Kenny asked.

Butters sniffed a bit, "I hate it here! I don't want to be here!" Butters mumbled, finally lowering his voice.

"Well, what's bothering you so bad?" Kenny asked, rephrasing his previous question.

"I don't like to think about it. Please don't push me..." Butters pleaded slightly.

"You can't talk about something like that and not expect people to question it." Kenny pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess.. I just hate h-having to c-come here and see them every year." Butters stammered again.

"Makes sense.. I thought you'd be atleast a little happy to see your family. Considering the year you've been having. Especially around Christmas time." Kenny said.

"I d-d-don't want anything for Christmas. So, I'm j-just here to be here." Butters explained, still stammering slightly.

"Your life could always be worse. It might suck at first, but you get used to it."

Butters shrugged, "You're right. You always m-make me feel better, Kenny." Butters said, giving Kenny a small smile.

"Yeah..." Kenny mumbled.

The rest of the night was pretty ordinary. Butters went to sleep, then Stan, and lastly Kenny.

Kenny lept thinking about what Butters said. What did he mean by 'You always make me feel better.

That just made Kenny feel bad.

It made him feel worse than he already did.

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