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Sunghoon sighed as he carried his bag out to the car. The group was finally heading back home from Jeju today. Today, I'm going to confess to Jake. No matter what. He sat down in the passenger seat of the car as he thought about how he was going to confess. 

Before he knew it, the group had already reached the airport and Sunghoon was being rushed out of the car. Even though he had been thinking for a while now, Sunghoon still didn't know how to confess to Jake. I would usually ask Jake for advice but I obviously can't do that. 

Sunghoon sighed in frustration as he went over and threw his arm over Jake's shoulder. "Hey Ikeu, I have a quick question." Jake looked up and smiled at Sunghoon. "Yeah, what's up?" Sunghoon looked up at Jake and quickly asked, "Are you free this evening? I wanna take you somewhere." Jake nodded. "Yeah, I'm free. Where are we going?"

Sunghoon smirked as he shook his head. "Well, it's a surprise." Jake pouted as he looked at Sunghoon. "Can't you just give me a hint? Please?" Oh god, he knows his puppy eyes are my weakness. Sunghoon quickly looked away before he gave in to Jake. "Nope! You'll get to know tonight." 

Jake pouted and whined for a few more minutes until he finally gave up. "Fine, don't tell me. You're the worst." Sunghoon laughed as he hugged Jake from behind. "Aww, don't be mad at me, Ikeu. Trust me, the wait is worth it." 


The group had just gotten off their plane and were heading back to their dorms. Jay quickly picked up his and Jake's bags and put them in his car. "Come on Jakey. Let's go," he said as he got into the car. Jake nodded and was about to get in the car when Sunghoon suddenly grabbed his hand. 

"Hey, don't forget. I'm picking you up today at 5." Jake quickly nodded as he waved at everyone before getting into the car. "Yeah, I remember. I'll be ready by 5. Okay, we're going to go now. Bye, everybody!" The group waved back at them as they drove away. 


Sunghoon got into his car as he waited for Niki who was currently talking to Sunoo. Oh, I didn't know Niki and Sunoo were close. After a few minutes, Niki finally walked over and sat down in the car. "Okay, let's go, hyung." Sunghoon nodded as he turned on the car.

As Sunghoon was driving, he turned to Niki and commented, "I didn't know you and Sunoo were close." Niki just shrugged. "We just got closer after we roomed together in Jeju. We're just friends." Sunghoon smirked. "Friends? Are you sure about that?" 

Niki turned bright red as he scoffed. "Please, Sunghoon hyung. What are you implying?" Sunghoon just grinned as he shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me?" Niki rolled his eyes. "I do not have a crush, hyung. Besides, before you comment on my love life, maybe you should sort out your own problems first." Okay, ouch. He didn't have to call me out like that.


Sunghoon nervously tapped his foot as he waited for Jake to get ready. How long does it take to put on a pair of clothes? Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jake came out of the room. "Hey Hoon, I'm ready. Let's gaur!" Sunghoon grabbed Jake's hand as they walked out of the door and to Sunghoon's car.

As soon as they started driving, Jake started pestering Sunghoon about where they were going. "So... can you tell me where we're going?" Sunghoon shook his head as he laughed. "Nope! You'll figure out when we get there." Jake pouted and turned away from Sunghoon. "You're the worst, Hoon." 

Sunghoon just smiled as he continued driving. After around an hour, he reached their destination and got out of the car. He wrapped his hands around Jake's eyes as he guided Jake to their exact destination.

"Hey, where are we going? Hoon? Why am I being blindfolded? HOON?!" Jake called as they walked slowly. "Calm down, Ikeu. Do you trust me?" Jake nodded. "Well, yeah, I do. But-"Jake argued before Sunghoon shushed him. "Well, then trust me. I know what I'm doing." Jake nodded and quietly let himself get guided by Sunghoon.


"Okay, we're here. I'll let you open your eyes in 3...2...1!" Jake opened his eyes and gasped. They were standing in the middle of a children's playground. Sunghoon smiled and asked, "Do you remember this place?" Jake nodded as he looked around, surprised. "This is the place we first met!" 

Jake smiled as he remembered the memory. "I remember it as it was yesterday. I had just moved from Australia and I was playing on my own. Suddenly, you came up to me and introduced yourself as Park Sunghoon, the famous figure skater prodigy. I didn't know any Korean and you didn't know any English. But, we were still able to understand each other perfectly." 

Sunghoon chuckled as he continued telling the story. "Yeah, I remember. I came the next day hoping to bump into you and there you were. At the exact same place, you were the day before. I think that's when I knew that we were stuck with each other for a long, long time." Jake giggled. "Well, what can I say? We're meant to be."


The pair played in the playground for a while until Sunghoon stopped Jake. "Ikeu, I need to tell you something." he nervously started. Jake raised his eyebrows. "Oooh, that sounds serious. What happened?" 

This is it. This is the moment I have been waiting for. Sunghoon took a deep breath as he opened his mouth to speak. "You've always been really important to me. Ever since I met you on this playground when we were kids, I knew you were it. You were just a little bit messy. A little bit ruined. Just like me. You understood me. You were my person."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "We have this connection which I can't explain. It's like there has always been some invisible string tying me to you. We're soulmates. If I could spend my life with anyone in the world, it would still be you."

"Because, at the end of the day, you're the person I want to come home to. You're the person I want to tell how my day went. You're the person I want to share my happiness, sadness, frustration, and success with."

Sunghoon tried to express how he was feeling but he couldn't. "It's so hard for me to put this into words because I love you in ways I have never loved anyone else." He took a deep breath before he continued. "I always thought that our relationship was just a really good friendship. But, it's not. It is so much more than that. You're my lifeline. You're the person my heart is beating for."

"I want to grow old with you and love you for the rest of my life. No matter what I do or where I go, I think of you. Whenever we talk, I grow a stupid smile that I don't even notice. And I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, or be in your arms because that's my place."

"Because you're mine and I'm yours. It's always been that way and it will always be that way. You're my forever."

Sunghoon looked at Jake who had covered his mouth in shock. "So, Ikeu, will you be my today, tomorrow, and forever? Will you, Sim Jaeyun, be my boyfriend?" 


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