6 - The Sucky Outdoors

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WELCOME BACK! Anyways, apologies about the shortness of the last chapter. Kind of just a filler for Justin's elimnation and a little lore of Y/n. However, I hope this chapter can do better than the last one.



We all sat on the log stumps near the campfire, Chris in front of us ready to announce the next challenge.

"Campers today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills, I'm not going to lie to you- some of you may not come back alive!" Shocked gasps came from the campers with looks of shock too.

"Just joking! All you have to do is spend one night in the woods, everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it."

Chris tosses the maps and compasses from a green backpack, one to Heather, one to Courtney- oh nevermind, one to Duncan.

"Oh and watch out for bears, lose lots of interns in pre-production." Chris adds as Courtney stands up, snatching the map from Duncan rudely.

"First team back for breakfast wins invincibility!" Chris blows a red horn, the noise being annoying to us, of course. "Well off you go!" Chris said..

"Did he say there are bears up in here?" Leshawna asked concerned. "I had a little encounter with a bear once, let's just say- his head looks reall nice up on my mannel." Owen cockingly said, gesturing how big the head was. "Uhh.. are you sure you did that?" Shuichi asked, not believing him.

Then Izzy started rambling about how she thought a bear ate her neighbor's cat, but I have had enough of listening to stories. So I drifted off and just started walking along with the others onto the path.

We all followed Courtney, I was one of the last people following near Sadie and Katie.. "Sadie, look! Blueberries!" Katie pointed out as the two of them stopped, I stopped too to make sure they were fine. Sadie gasped in excitement.

"I love love love blueberries!" Sadie squealed. "Oh my gosh, me too!" Katie said right after. "Guys- we should keep going." I called out to them, only for them to start eating the blueberries- ignoring what I just said.. "..make sure to catch up." I muttered to them before walking off to catch up with the others.

I started walking near Tyler, only to notice his saddened look, staring down at the ground. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Man, I thought I had a chance with Lindsay..but she's like- ignoring me?" He wondered. "Maybe she just doesn't feel it..? Don't push her too though.." I said, patting his shoulder.. he seemed to perk up and look at me with.. an odd look. "Dude?" I called out to him, as he finally stopped being in a trance.

"Oh sorry! Hey, you uh.. wanna hang out when we get to the site?" He asked quickly changing the topic. "Yeah, sure dude." I said, before we just kinda chatted for the rest of the walk.

Unknownigly, you made the dumb jock feel something, a feeling— a feeling that felt stronger than he felt with Lindsay, sparks.


"Wow, you pitch a tent like a guy!" I heard Geoff .. compliment Bridgette, I was right beside Tyler as we checked what was in the backpack. Looking over at the conversation, I could see Bridgette raise a brow.. dude, what kinda COMPLIMENT was that? As Geoff quickly tried to evaluate what he said, I could hear Duncan being SEXIST towards Courtney. I got up from my spot on the log beside Tyler. 

"Dude, if you wanna be sexist, then WHY aren't YOU the one looking for food? I thought you were a man." My tone coming off as mocking, as I could see Duncan kinda roll his eyes at me, before walking off to somewhere else muttering: "..whatever." I soon went to sit beside Tyler to chat a little bit.

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