chapter 2

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Next morning
jeonghan get up with heavy headache
Aishh "why my head is hurting so much"
he said while massaging his head,suddenly he remember his yesterday incident. jeonghan (sigh) than he get up and went to washroom to freshened up. he went to the shower and suddenly  he remeber he should be not like this,as a rejected omega he should be in pain and as much as he know he should be dying right now
but here he is now, he was feeling nothing nor pain nor emotion. he was
looking a dead body right. his wolf was also silent and not talking to him
since yesterday incident. he was devastated.he was thinking all these
while a long tear left from his eye,but he wipe it quickly and he promised himself this is the last time he'll cry over the word 'mate'

jeonghan went downstair and saw his mom cooking food and dad was preparing plates while chan was helping them. his mom saw him  coming and she quickly run to him,
"jeonghanna are u ok my baby", his mom said with worried face. he put fake smile and said, eomma im ok u dont have to be worried hamm.
his mom was not buying it. but chan said yester- jeonghan quickly hug her mom cutting his mom word.
I know eomma u are worried about me
and what u want to say,but im really ok
you can see me as well see im totally fine.

hmmm? its weird tho isn't it cause when someone reject their mate. they will feel lots of pain that can only stop by death. chan said while frowning.
well it was painfull yesterday its was like someone was ripping my heart out,when i wakeup today i feel nothing even my wolf have been silent and not talking to me since yesterday.

well i think its because you are a true blood. you can bear pain more than
normal omega or it can be also
because your wolf locked himself  after being hurt.
thats why you are not feeling anything
his dad said while bringing plates in table.

I dont care, im happy as long as my son his fine healthy and alive. and stop all this and lets eat breakfast first as
they start eating breakfast.

few moment letter

hyung? he said leaning into jeonghan who was sitting in the sofa. hmm?
what are you going to do now ? as your mate have been rejected you ?
chan said.
im moving out from this pack. jeonghan simply said.
what!? you are are moving out ? you are leaving us. chan suddenly raised his voice. chill bro why are u shouting
my ear is going to bleed and why are overreacting? im not going for forever
im just going for few months. jeonghan said rolling his eye .
than im also im comming with you,
chan said. No you are not coming with me!!. jeonghan said simply.
chan frowned, huh? why i cant come with you hyung, im going no matter what. chan said while clinging into his arm .

because you are the Alpha of this house, and you need to take care of our parents and I also need some space and want heal myself as my wolf is hurt and i have been always dreamed of exploring world so i thinks this is the best time. jeonghan said while looking at chan .
but hyung you are unmated and its dangerous outside the pack also and what if something happend? chan said being worried.

channa i know you are being worried and you dont have to because nothing will happen to me and i promised you ,
i will take care of myself  verry well hmm?
he said patting Chan's head.
'ok ' chan said being little upset and still not convised.

next morning
jeonghan was packing his clothes for trip and suddenly chan braged in
while panting for air. hyung! hyung !
jeonghan frowned looking at him .
did you hear the news hyung ?
what news channi ?
that hyung king is getting married today!. jeonghan heart clenched hearing that but still acted nothing .
its ok channa, this was expected as he already rejected me.but i didnt new it will come this soon.jeonghan said silently.
chan look at him silently with  worried face. yaah now stop with staring at me like that and help me with packing this clothes. jeonghan said trying to change atmosphere.
"yeah yeah" chan said while rolling his eye.

few moment letter
jeonghanna be carefull ok make sure you eat food in time. his mom said with worried tone.
make sure you sent letter to us time to time. his dad said to him
I still dont want to let you go but still
take care and come back the way you are going right now. chan said with saas.
guys common why are you All sad im not going in war its just some trip for just few months. jeonghan said rolling his eye.
'yeah yeah' now you should go.its getting late and you have to reach camp base before its get dark. his dad said
stopping from sentimental sence.

ok ok now im going mom make sure you take medicinein time and dad please take care yourself too.
and you take care of mom and dad.
and yourself too. jeonghan said
while saying he went out from house.

jeonghan went out and start walking.
the pack was decorated beautifully
because its kings wedding. he was walking as he can hear people gossiping about king's wedding.
but he didnt care any more as he just
want to go out and explore the packs and live his life .

to be continued........

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