May 1st, 2023

162 5 5

Hello, my name is Trevor McGregor and this is my diary!

I've been kinda... sad recently. So I looked for ways to feel better a day I found having some sort of diary/journal thing would help!

And yes, I do use ! A lot. Deal with it.

Anyways, I don't really know what to talk about.

Oh! My show!

So, I run a show with my best friend called 'Disventure Camp.' Well, I used to anyways.

We got into some trouble for clearing the forest, and killing... some of the animals. It was that much I promise. Nonetheless, it got us a 6 year sentence.

Well, that and Derek, my best friend, pulling a gun on the police. Still have no clue why he did that -_-

Then after two years in prison, which was absolute hell and I never ever want to even think of that place again, this one lady named Emily came as a representative for a woman named Kristal to bail us out!!

Apparently Kristal picked up our show because her dad's famous or something and made a whole second season. I still haven't watched it yet. Maybe I will with Derek when we aren't doing our intern duties.

Oh yeah, we're interns now. Demoted from hosts to interns. At least we're free men, but it's still sad.

Tomorrow, Kristals going to pick up all the campers and take them to Camp Tipiskaw. I'm kind of excited, but also nervous. Nothing bad will happen, right? Not like I'll fall out of the plane, right?

I'm gonna go to bed now. Derek's getting mad that I'm using the flashlight since he loves sleeping in the pitch black for some reason.


-Trevor McGregor, 5/1/23

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