Sleeping Beauty (💛🖤)

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summary: y/n is sleep deprived and Sapnap helps them sleep

you guys my heart almost exploded making this I love this chapterrrr

TW: none  😊


Sapnap was talking on the phone to Dream, laughing about something funny in a recent Manhunt video. You weren't really paying attention, though. You were sitting on a stool at the kitchen island, half listening to your fiance. You were slowly falling asleep. The bags under your eyes were noticeable. You had been putting off a lot of self-care recently, and Sapnap had noticed, but said nothing. You were slowly drifting in and out. 

Eventually Sapnap got off the phone, and walked into the kitchen to see you sitting there.

"You alright?" He asked, looking at you.

You nodded.

He smiled softly at you.

"Are you sure? You've been tired, honey." He said with concern in his voice, as if this wasn't the first time he asked about how you're doing.

"No I haven't. I've been perfectly awake" You said.

He scoffed jokingly.

"I've been with you for 4 years, I can tell when you're sleepy love." He smiled softly at you, kissing your forehead.

"Please honey, let yourself rest. You've been running yourself ragged with all of your streams, and the wedding, and everything else going on, let yourself rest. You've been going on like 3 hours of sleep. If not for yourself, then maybe for me?" He said, looking worried at you.

"but..." You started, looking around. There were dishes in the sink that needed to be washed, there was a small puddle of something on the floor, and the fridge was making a weird noise 

"Sleep can wait" You said, trying to stand your ground. You were kinda tired, but there were things more important than that.

He chuckled softly.

"It can't sweetheart; this can wait. There's nothing going on that you need to worry about right now. Just please, let me have this. The dishes can wait until the morning. The puddle is probably just a spill and it's not an issue, and I'll take care of the fridge, Just. Please?"

You wanted to argue, but you were too drained to even start to retaliate.

"...alright" you said softly, looking down.

Before you could even realize it, you were in Sapnap's arms. He gave you a quick kiss on the head before carrying you to the bedroom. Once you were on the bed he covered you with a blanket. He sat at the end of your bed and stayed with you. He was gently playing with your hair as he sat with you.

You curled up into a small ball under the blanket, your eyes slowly opening and closing. The room was completely silent, until you said in a soft, almost whisper-like voice


Sapnap's head shot up, his hands going perfectly still in your hair.

"Yeah hun?"

As he spoke, you noticed that his voice was quieter than usual. He obviously heard you but wanted to make sure that he heard you right.

"You're not.... gonna leave, right?" You spoke softly. It was a genuine question, floating around your head. No sleep did funny things to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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