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*Almost everyone is drunk cuz the Stolls innocently put sh0ts in orange juice and gave it to everybody*

Zee: Its-a-me, Mario! No its not. *starts singing for no apparent reason* Its a Miles . . . ITS A WILD MILES!

Miles, who just drank a sip of the drink: A what Miles?

Lola, trying to kiss Astryn: Why you no like kiss your girlfriend?

Astryn: Eh? I dunno . . . *steps away and bumps into Ray, who didn't drink at all*

Ray: *stumbles* What's happening?

Lily, who drank the entire drink: Uh, I don't know. But I feel weird in my tummy . . .

Ray: Uh okay . . . Hey Neeks u good?

Nico: Yeah I'm fine- *stumbles and falls into Will's arms*

Will, surprised: What did they put in the drinks?

Ray: Im not sure, but you didn't drink any, did you?

Will: *shakes his head, and carefully places Nico on a chair*

*Will and Ray walk over to the girls*

Will: Hey Calypso! You know where Jason is?

Calypso, who wasn't thirsty: No, but I think Piper does

Will, sighing: Thanks. *spots Piper* Hey Piper! Have you seen Jason?

Piper, who is a little drunk: What? I'm 73 Piper!

Will: Im so dead inside

Nico, grinning stupidly: Did somebody say, dead?

Will: You are never like this, what did they put in there? Dr*gs?

Annabeth, who knew there were shots: Percy! Don't drink tha- he drank it. Why?

Will: Annabeth! Help! Everyone's so-

Annabeth: -so drunk.

Ray: Im gonna kill them.

Annabeth: Same.

Hazel and Frank, who politely declined the drinks, and walked over to the group: What is happening?

Leo, who instantly agreed to drinks: I have no idea, but Im just enjoying the show

Frank: How do we fix them?

Annabeth: There isn't a way to fix them, we have to wait it out. Its the only way

Ray: How long?

Annabeth: Until they pass out of weariness

Will: Well, what we do in the mean time?

Annabeth: Just don't drink any of the "orange juice"

Zee, who decided she is a pizza: Where's my cheese?

Ray: Your what?

Zee: Miles! *spots him talking to Percy, and wobbles over to him*

Percy: -my dad . . . Haiiiiii

Zee: Move over brioche *pushes Percy*

Percy: *falls and gets knocked into a table* Hey! My hand hurts!

Will: Oh my gods. This is terrible

Ray: You think? Wait Lily-

*Lily waddles over to Ray, knocks him over, and starts asking him where the goldfish is*

Ray: The what?


Ray: I don't know . . .

Lily: Ima kiss my books . . .

Ray: Why?

Lily: Because I want my fictional characters to know I love them

Ray: *laughing* Do you love me?

Lily: *also laughing . . . for some reason* Yeahhh!

Zee, waddling over to the commotion, laughing hysterically: THE PROPHECY HAS BEEN FULFILLED!

Amber, dancing with Ethan: Watch me, danceee, dance the night away!

Ethan, who is also drunk: What the Hades, Amber

*Amber is trying to push Ethan to a room*

Ethan: What? *smirks* Ohhh you wanna kiss me?

Zee, gasping: THE OTHER PROPHECY HAS BEEN FULFILLED *sings Love Story by Taylor Swift*

Miles, who somehow avoided the drunkness: The fudge happened?

Hazel: Why. Why am I here? *starts questioning her existence*

The Stolls: ✌️😩✨️ *dissapears*

Piper, who also somehow avoided drunkness: What happened? Why is everyone- LEO GET OFF JASON! *runs to scold Leo*

Jason, yelling: Hey! Get off me! Did they put dr*gs in that stuff?!

Piper: Eh, I don't know. Ask Annabeth, but Leo! Get down!

Leo, instantly going down: Yes mom. Superman, you are dumb.


Annabeth: Hey! Tie them up! Then they'll pass out, out of weariness!

Hazel: That isn't your brightest idea, Annabeth

Annabeth: I know, but what other choice do we have?

Ray: Good point.

Will: Let's get tying!

*1 hour lataghhh*


Calypso: As much as I hate seeing you tied up, its for the best, Leo.

Percy: Heyyyy macerena!

Annabeth: This is going to be one, long night

Will: Very long.

Got that right folks. In case you were wondering, the Stolls are hiding from me specifically, but I'm the creator, so, *holds the Connor and Travis by the collar* yeah not today. Although its some pretty good content for wattpad, not nice dudes.

Connor: We are so screwed

Travis, sighing: Yep

See ya'll never! *yeet* Oh I wasn't talking to you guys, but I suppose it is also farewell to you too. Bai!

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