chapter 2

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The Great Hall buzzed with disbelief. The Sorting Hat’s decision had shattered expectations, and the air crackled with tension. Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged bewildered glances as they settled at the Slytherin table. The sea of green-clad students regarded them with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Draco Malfoy, his platinum hair slicked back, leaned toward Harry. His eyes widened, and he whispered, “Potter, what in Merlin’s name just happened?”

Harry shrugged, still reeling from the shock. “I have no idea, Draco. But apparently, we’re Slytherins now.”

Ron, his freckled face pale, leaned across the table. “Bloody hell, Harry! We’re supposed to be Gryffindors! What about bravery and chivalry?”

Hermione, her bushy hair now adorned with a silver-and-green snake-shaped pin, frowned. “The hat must have its reasons. Maybe it sees something in us that we don’t.”

Professor Snape, the greasy-haired Potions Master, approached their end of the table. His dark eyes bore into Harry’s. “Potter,” he drawled, “I trust you’ll adjust to your new house. Slytherin values cunning, ambition, and resourcefulness. Perhaps it’s time you learned those traits.”

Harry clenched his fists. “But Professor, we—”

Snape raised an eyebrow. “Silence, Potter. The Sorting Hat’s decision is final.”

As the feast began, the Slytherins eyed them warily. Pansy Parkinson, a girl with a perpetually sneering expression, leaned over. “Potter, Weasley, Granger,” she said, her voice dripping with disdain. “Welcome to the snake pit.”

The Slytherin common room was dimly lit, adorned with tapestries depicting ancient wizards and serpents. Harry sat on a plush green couch, staring into the flickering fire. Ron paced, muttering curses under his breath. Hermione, ever the pragmatist, pulled out a parchment and quill.

“We need answers,” she declared. “Why did the hat sort us here? What’s its game?”

Ron flopped onto the couch. “Maybe it’s a mistake. A big, bloody mistake.”

Draco Malfoy slithered over, his silver eyes gleaming. “Mistake or not, Potter, you’re one of us now. Slytherin House doesn’t tolerate weakness.”

Harry met Draco’s gaze. “We’ll prove ourselves, then. Show them we belong.”

The next morning, as they filed into the dungeon classroom for Potions, Snape smirked. “Welcome to Slytherin, Potter. Let’s see if you can brew a potion worthy of your newfound house.”

Harry glanced at Hermione, who nodded. They’d face this challenge together. As Snape droned on about the properties of moonstone, Harry vowed to unravel the mystery behind the Sorting Hat’s choice.

In the weeks that followed, they navigated the intricacies of Slytherin life. They learned to tread carefully, to hide their Gryffindor instincts. Hermione excelled in her studies, Ron discovered a talent for chess, and Harry honed his Occlumency skills.

And as they delved deeper into the secrets of their new house, they realized that Slytherin wasn’t just about cunning—it was about survival. Dark forces stirred, and their loyalty to each other would be tested like never before.

So, with determination burning in their hearts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione embraced their unexpected fate. They would rise from the shadows, rewrite their legacy, and prove that bravery could thrive even in the serpent’s den.

And somewhere in the castle, the Sorting Hat watched, its stitches twitching, knowing that destiny had taken an unexpected turn.

To be continued…

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