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*White club vs black club*

This is a basketball 🏀 challenge, it involves two teams. White club and black club.

Here're the names of those participating in the game.

White club!
(1) Seo-jeon
(2) Geon-wu
(3) min-jeong
(4) Jill
(5) jungyvng

Black club!
(1) kook
(2) jooghyuk
(3) JP
(4) do-hyeon
(5) min-jae

* Conversation....!
Kook and Seo-jeon talking, we're no longer team but that doesn't change our friendship. No matter what happens, which team wins; our friendship stand till the end.

How wish both of you are team mates, I would have liked it. Said joojie!

Don't worry, I will take care of Seo-jeon, he won't get hurt. Kook responsibly reply.

* The game has start, it was thirty minutes to round up the game.

Kook throw the ball twice while Seo-jeon throw once, the black club members were shouting...! Kook, kook.... Whoa!

The girls were dancing, holding flowers in their hands.

One chance left for the game to close, at the died minute kook score one more goal, jooghyuk deliberately hit Seo-jeon and he fell to the ground, he was hurt in the leg. He was taking to the school hospital.

Are you ok? Kook ask

Yeah; I'm okay, you look worried, why? Seo-jeon

I'm just worried about you, I thought you are hurt badly.

I'm fine, is just a crash.

Is almost like, I'm the one who gets hurt, I don't want anything bad to happen to Seo-jeon.

You sound serious! Jooghyuk

Why did do that to Seo-jeon? Kook was upset with what jooghyuk did.

I thought we're friends? And friends don't hurt each other even though we're in a different team that doesn't change our friendship. Kook repeated himself.

I'm sorry; Seo-jeon: I saw you staring at joojie while she was dancing, I had to do this to distract you from staring, it never cross my mind you will get hurt.

Do you know, it hurts me too seeing Seo-jeon getting hurt? ❤️

What do you mean by that? Joojie ask.

Sorry, is nothing! Stay away from Seo-jeon if you don't want to be his friend, kook warned jooghyuk.

Have you seen the scores? Joojie!

No, the scores are out?

Check the game platform, you will see the scores...!


White club. Black club.

3. 5.
2. 3.
0. 2.
4. 4.
Bonus: 5.[14] Bonus : 5.[19].

Black club won the 2024 world basketball 🏀 and all the players are receiving the sum of $1,0000000.

It came as a blow to learn that Seo-jeon was injured at the died minute of the game, we lose the game because of what jooghyuk did to Seo-jeon! Seo-jeon reply; don't blame him, I guess they are met to win and it doesn't matter who wins and who losses. We came from the same school and we have the same objective as a player.

Don't you think so? Seo-jeon ask.

You're current👍 min-jae thanked Seo-jeon for thinking smartly and show appreciation to all the players despite the fact that they had fail the game.

*Crossfire after the game.

Kook, you were acting strange earlier!
Do you have something to say? Seo-jeon ask, just say it I'm here to listen to you as a friend.

If you like someone, what will you do to win the person over?

Tell the person, right a way make it known to the person that you truly love then pretending not to care at all. Seo-jeon advice.

Did you like someone? I need to know.

Oh .....yes! Kook was sweating seriously.

You're serious about this person, it written all over your face. Seo-jeon response to the look on kook's face.

What if telling the person, is like hurting another heart? Kook ask!

Then, you just have to be truthful to your feelings. Thanks for this, it will help a lot.

But what did you mean by that, hurting another heart? Seo-jeon wanted to know, who kook was referring to.

Love doesn't care who gets hurt, what matters is that you love. Seo-jeon quotes 👌

Aren't you going to tell me, who your love is?

Maybe, some other time. Kook escape from telling Seo-jeon the real truth behind his love.

What were you two talking about? you two seems serious while talking, I have been observing from far.

Is nothing.... Joojie
We'were just talking about what happened at the game ground today.

Seriously? You better be telling the truth!
Of course, we're!

Joojie kept staring at Seo-jeon because she knew he was hiding something from her, she was looking for a way to force the truth out of Seo-jeon but couldn't.

Let go home, the game is over.

No, I'm not going home, joojie response!

Why? It was the voice of Seo-jeon.

Tell me the secret, you are hiding from me......! Joojie

No secret; I have never kept secret from you and you know that, why would I keep secrets from you? Seo-jeon

It gonna rain today, let go home before it rains; please!

I will drop you guys off! Kook said!

Where's the car? Joojie ask

Haven't you heard? Jooghyuk! Kook is a "major" his driver is on the way, he will drop him off.

Just kidding, don't take what I said serious; jooghyuk said.

Come with me; that was so close, they almost caught me, why did you said that in front of Seo-jeon and joojie?

My apology; bro!

The car is here, sir'! Who's your boss? Joojie ask

The driver response! My boss has passed away, he's a prime minister and he was the former president of this state. Ma'am Why did you ask?

Is nothing, I wanted to know; who's helping so that I can thank him for the help he render. Joojie breath in!

Are you sure, or you wanted to know, if kook was the boss? Because of what jooghyuk said. Seo-jeon noticed that joojie was uncomfortable with the way the driver response to her question.

Are you ok? Seo-jeon ask!

Yeah; I'm ok.

Thanks sir', for the ride; anything you need someone to take you home from school, I'm at your service. Miss. Beautiful!

The drive is so comic, I didn't get the chance to ask for his name. Joojie said!

Do you like him? Seo-jeon ask

"blech.....! You disgusts me.

Me, why?

Joojie walked away from his present without saying goodnight.

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