Chapter-10 I Want You

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Author's POV

Anandita couldn't help but smirk at her own cleverness. With a final look at her family, she headed off to call her bodyguard, Virat. Dialing his number, he picked up after just two rings.

"Hello Virat!" Anandita greeted.

"Yes Ma'am!" He replied.

"Have you found out what I asked about?" Anandita inquired about her disrespectful cousin.

"Yes Ma'am! Should I bring it to you now?" Virat offered.

"Not yet. Save it for later. I need you to look into Dhawal Chopra, my future husband," Anandita ordered, leaving Virat surprised.

Virat's mind was racing with confusion. Did he hear correctly? Marriage? That too, to someone? He couldn't help but wonder about Anandita's lover. Her sudden demand had left him perplexed.

Just then, Anandita's voice broke through his thoughts, calling out to him sharply. "Virat! Are you there?" Startled, Virat quickly snapped back to reality.

"Sorry Ma'am! I'll get it tonight Ma'am," he replied, trying to compose himself and not get too involved in his master's personal life.

"I'll wait for your call," Anandita stated firmly before abruptly ending the call. Virat was left in a state of surprise, still processing the news of his boss's impending marriage. He couldn't help but wonder what had led to this sudden decision.

Because of his boss's obsession with that person, Virat always believed that she was infatuated with the man she loved. However, something suddenly changed. She started considering marrying Dhawal Chopra, the rebellious son of a billionaire. Virat was clueless about his boss's plans. He had always seen her alone, but one day he witnessed her in the company of someone else. They were deeply in love, and Virat also noticed the man's protective nature towards his boss. However, what happened to them all of a sudden remained a mystery to him.

Virat wondered what his boss intended to discover about him. It seemed like it could potentially jeopardize their lives or careers. He was curious to see what game she was playing. Virat always found amusement in his boss's interactions with people. She had a way of instilling fear in them, to the point where they were afraid to even mention her name. That's why she was known as Lava Mishra.

The memory of how Virat met his boss still lingered in his mind. How could he ever forget it? It was she who came to his mother's rescue when they were in desperate need of money. Virat had saved Anandita from a group of thugs, and it was not only because of that heroic act but also because she saw potential in him. Consequently, she hired him as her bodyguard.

Virat had always dreamed of following in his father and brother's footsteps by joining the army. However, his mother was hesitant to let him go, as she had already lost her husband and elder son in war. The fear of losing another loved one was too much for her to bear. She pleaded with Virat not to leave her alone. Unfortunately, their situation took a turn for the worse when his mother was diagnosed with stage two brain cancer. The medical bills began to pile up, and Virat found himself in a desperate situation. He reached out to his relatives and friends for help, but none of them were able to assist him. Just when things seemed hopeless, a guardian angel appeared in his life. Although she couldn't solve all of his problems, she did offer a helping hand in his fight against some dangerous individuals. She possessed the strength to confront them, but Virat's heart couldn't bear to see her in harm's way.

For Anandita, Virat became more than just a loyal friend; he became her trusted bodyguard upon arriving in India. He assisted her in uncovering loopholes in her business and gathering background information on the people she was working with. Anandita owed much of her success to Virat's unwavering support. Without him, she wouldn't have made it this far.

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