Chapter 6

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Alexi’s POV

It was a long drive to Silvercrest, by the time we arrived Andy was asleep on Logan's shoulder. I couldn't help but envy my sister, she had found her mate. Jealousy is something that I hate, especially at Andy. I know she senses something is wrong, and I know that it hurts her. My sister, as amazing as she is, keeps it to herself. I hate this, because we talk about everything, but I don't want to burden her with this. She is finally happy, I’m being ridiculous. Moping around because I haven’t found my mate, I know she’s out there somewhere. I just wish I could finally meet her, seeing how happy Logan and Andy are, is only making the emptiness I feel worse.
I’ve never been to Silvercrest, though I have heard the rumours. I don’t think there’s a wolf who hasn’t. The pack’s famous for being arrogant and old fashioned, most wolves have learned to adapt to the modern world and all its views.
It’s rare for Silvercrest to acknowledge other packs, asking for help was unheard of. I know Logan’s just as curious as me to see inside their pack, to actually meet their new alpha.
When the car pulled up to the packhouse everything was silent, there were no sounds of nature or children playing. It felt wrong, a pack is normally filled with life. Back home you can always hear the seagulls flying above and the children laughing.
This was the opposite, complete silence.
You can feel that right?
I nodded to Logan as we walked towards the Alpha, he seemed impatient. His foot silently tapping the ground as we approached.
He looked in his late forties, with grey taking over his dark hair and making the wrinkles on his face appear more prominent. Everything about him screamed alpha, from his posture to the power emanating from him.
“Good afternoon, we are from Blue moon. I’m Andy, this is my mate Logan and our beta Alexi.” Andy was her usual smiling self, unbothered by the alpha being one herself. Most alpha’s, Andy and Logan included rain in their power, to avoid those around them feeling threatened. Making the alpha here even stranger, it was like he wanted to point out his power to us.
The alpha looked towards Logan, ignoring Andy as he spoke. “Michael Novak, my son Erik is the current alpha. He is on patrol, I offered to show you to your rooms. Follow me.”
We had to hurry to keep up with his pace as he hurried up two sets of spiral staircases, the inside of the pack house resembling a castle. From the out-dated wallpaper to the expensive handcrafted furniture, whoever lives in this house cares an awful lot about appearances. Nothing is out of place; nothing feels lived in. The whole place looks untouchable, and uncomfortable.
“The first door is the Alpha’s suite and the second is the Beta’s, if you need anything during your stay just ask the omega’s downstairs. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to attend to.”
We all watched him leave, the second he was far enough away Andy broke the silence. “I don’t like him; he seems like a dick.”
My sister has never been one to hold back, to be honest I completely agree. If that’s the alpha’s father, what’s the alpha like.
“I think you're right; we will have to see what his son is like.”

Two hours later, Logan and Andy are in their room and all my things are unpacked. I really need some single friends, I know this isn’t a social visit. We are working, but I honestly have nothing to do, sighing I walked out of my empty room.
I love Logan, but I miss my sister. I know she’s happy and they’re enjoying their time together. I just wish that didn’t mean I have to be a third wheel all of the time. Every friend I have has met their mate, Grayson’s the only one left who hasn’t met his mate, but I barely know him.
I know I have to be patient; fate will eventually bring us together. I just wish fate would hurry up.
Everything in this pack feels weird, everyone I walk past avoids eye contact with me. No one has spoken a single word to me.
If it weren’t for the eerie silence and the strange behaviour of the pack members, I would almost think it was beautiful here. The pack was located in the middle of a forest, every direction was lined with trees. There’s something comforting about it, like you’re in your own world. Completely cut off from everything and everyone, though now I think about it maybe that’s not the best thing.
The sound of someone screaming pulled me from my inner monologue. By the time I reached her she was already pulling herself off of the ground, quietly muttering to herself. Paper scattered all around her, covered in mud.
“Are you okay?” my voice came out weaker than I had expected, confusing me.
She jumped, before turning around to face me.
She was beautiful, copper hair cascading across her shoulders, still messy from falling. She was small, compared to me at least, but her green eyes widened, and I froze. Everything about her was perfect, she was everything I never knew I wanted. My wolf howled in my head saying the one word that I had longed to hear.

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