Chapter 6

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Andy’s POV

Once Megan and Verity left, I collapsed on the bed exhausted.
This was all a lot easier before I was pregnant. Falling asleep before my head even reached the pillow.

The next afternoon, once training was finished, I curled up on my bed, a book in my hands. I made it through two pages before my mother mind-linked me, interrupting my me time.
Andrea, we need you downstairs.
A nap.
All I wanted was a nap.
I’m growing a person here.
Groaning I pulled myself out of bed, walking downstairs. The sound of my mother’s voice filled my ears before I even reached the bottom step.
“We need at least fifty of these to start.”
As I turned the corner, I held back a laugh as I watched my mother order around an Omega, who was struggling with a pile of boxes as he followed her.
“Mother, stop over working the poor boy.”
My mother dismissed him, and walked towards me. The omega mouthed a thank you before running in the other direction.
“What are you doing mother?”
“We have a baby shower to plan.”
My stomach dropped as she smirked at me.
“Let’s get started, first we need a theme, then we have to decide on the gender reveal, and food, guests, dates.”
Goddess save me.
My wolf whined as we followed our mother, listening to all her plans.

Three hours later I finally escaped party planning.
Finally escaped my mother.
Goddess I’m starving, keeping out of sight, I made my way to the kitchen. Desperate for something edible.
Megan stood at the sink, her focus on the stack of dishes beside her.
“Hey Megan.” I said, veering to the fridge.
Sighing with relief as I spotted the container of left-over pasta.
“Good afternoon, I can make you something fresh if you like?” she asked, glaring at the tub of cold pasta.
Ignoring her, I started eating. Savouring every bite.
“I’m good, do you want a hand?”
Megan looked at me shocked, quickly shaking her head.
“No, goddess no. It’s my job. You’re the Luna, you shouldn’t be doing dishes.”
Rolling my eyes I grabbed a towel, drying as Megan washed. For a while we stayed like that, until Megan grabbed a pile of clean dishes carrying them towards the dining room.
It wasn’t until I heard growling that I chased after her.
Megan was standing in the entrance of the door, her hands fisted as she glared out the window.
Following her gaze, I saw Grayson talking to a she wolf. She was laughing as her hand rested on his arm.
She’s flirting with him.
Another growl slipped from Megan as she watched them, her eyes shifting to black.
Not Megan.
Her wolf is in control.
She inched closer to the window, bracing herself as she glared.
Before she could lunge out of the window to attack the unsuspecting girl. I grabbed her shoulders, holding her back.
She struggled against me, growling as my grip got tighter.
Using my Alpha tone, I said. “Stop, control your wolf.” Trying my best to keep my voice calm. Not an easy feat, considering she was kicking out at me.
My words calmed her though, she relaxed in my arms. Her eyes going back to their natural colour as she glared at the woman.
“I... I’m sorry Luna.”
I released her, stepping between her and the window. Blocking her view.
“Come on, let’s go upstairs.” I whispered, grabbing her hand and leading her to my room.
Before we even made it to the stairs a brown-haired man ran up to us. He took one look at Megan and wrapped his arms around her.
“What happened Meg?”
Megan gave a humourless laugh before whispering.
“Some she wolf had her hands all over him and I reacted.”
The guy growled before shifting his eyes to me. He bowed his head.
“I’m sorry Luna.”
“Andy, call me Andy.”
Megan looked between us smiling at her red-faced friend.
“Andy, this is Wes.”
Wes smiled at me, his eyes shifted between the two of us.
“Stop worrying, she knows about Grayson.”
He sighed, his whole body relaxing.
“Thank goddess, I’m a terrible liar.”
Chuckling we carried on upstairs, Wes following behind us.

Once we had all settled in my room, me and Megan sitting on the bed, Wes on the couch opposite us.
A few moments of silence passed before Wes jumped up his hands clapping together before he exclaimed.
“We are not going to sit around on our butt’s feeling sorry for ourselves over some guy! No matter how fine a man he is.”
Megan giggled as Wes jumped on the bed beside us.
“What exactly do you suggest?” Megan challenged.
A ruefully smile covered his face as he stared at the two of us.
“Drinking, dancing. You know, what normal teenagers do!”
“Are you forgetting she’s pregnant?”
He shook his head, rolling his eyes at Megan.
“You don’t need alcohol to have fun. It just helps.”
I couldn’t help but smile as I watched the two of them, Megan groaning dramatically as Wes laughed. They reminded me so much of Alexi and me.
A knock sounded at the door, we all turned to watch Verity walk in. Her face embarrassed as she took in Megan and Wes.
“I... I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you had company.”
“It’s fine Verity, are you okay?”
She sighed, sitting on the bed beside me.
“I love him, I do but I need to escape this packhouse.” Megan gasped, watching us.
“No, no. Not like escape, escape.”
We all relaxed, as she spoke.
“Just for a breath. I’ve barely done anything, barely seen anything.”
“Well, looks like you’re coming with us.”
I said, she turned to me. Eyebrow raised in a question.
“Where are we going?”
“Prison break.” I replied.
She looked confused, but her eyes lit up with excitement.
“There’s only one problem.” They all turned to me, patiently.
“I don’t have any idea what to wear dancing.”
“I can fix that.” Wes cheered, his eyes beaming.

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