Chapter 3

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Wes’s POV

I waited outside the hospital room, taking a seat in one of the uncomfortable chairs.
My brain hadn’t processed what was happening when Grayson, Megan and Verity rushed inside the main doors. Their panicked eyes calmed as they found me.
The three of them rushed for me, Megan reached me first.
“What happened? Is she okay?” she asked, breathless as she sat beside me.
“We were talking, and her water broke.”
The air in the room changed as they all sat around me, excitedly waiting for the future Alpha to be born.
A few minutes passed until a very dishevelled and scared looking Alexi burst out of the hospital room.
Verity rushed to her mate, her fingers lacing through his naturally.
An ache filled my chest, but I chose to ignore it and push my problems aside.
“What happened? Are they alright?”
Letting out a breath, Alexi looked around at all of us before whispering, slightly bewildered. “She threw me out.”
Stifling a laugh I turned towards Megan, her teeth biting into her lip as she tried not to laugh at the beta.
The two of us shared a look before our resolve broke and we both began to laugh.
The others all turned to us, Alexi glaring slightly.
“I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t want my brother watching me push a person out of my vagina.” Megan said, laughing as all the males around her paled.
Myself included.

It was another hour before Logan came out, a massive grin on his face as he motioned for us to join them in their room.
The room was massive, the biggest one the hospital had, it was always used for the top members of the pack.
Andy sat, leant against the headboard of the bed, her hair in a mass of curls as she held on tightly to a small bundle of blankets.
Verity and Megan cooed as they moved towards the bed, congratulating the new parents.
“We would like to introduce you to Amara Alexi Black.”
Alexi’s eyes widened as he turned to look at his sister.
“Alexi? You named her after me?”
Smiling, Andy grabbed her brothers hand, pulling him towards her.
“You’re my brother, best friend and her uncle. Of course, we did.”
With gleaming eyes Alexi wrapped his arms around his sister, careful not to crowd the baby.
Andy offered the baby to Alexi whispering. “You want to meet your uncle?”
Carefully, Alexi held on to Amara, holding her at arm’s length, unsure what to do.
We all laughed as Andy showed him how to hold the baby.
After we had all met the baby, and congratulated the couple, we left them in peace.
Alexi and Verity going back to the party. Megan and Grayson following them, Megan dragging me along.
“What’s going on with you? I’m normally the one who needs dragging to a party.” Megan whispered as we reached the ballroom.
The others had left to find drinks and food, leaving the two of us alone.
The party had gotten in full swing whilst we were away, everyone at least a few bottles of were wine into the night.
“I don’t know, I just don’t feel like it tonight.”
She looked unconvinced but didn’t get the chance to argue as the others come back. Hand’s filled with glasses. Verity handed one to me and another to Megan.
“A toast, for the new baby.”
We all cheered.
Megan eyed me as I downed the glass of wine.
I am definitely getting drunk tonight.
Motioning to my drink, I left the others in search of a refill. Ignoring the glasses, I grabbed a bottle before turning to go back to join the others.
As the scent of vanilla washed over me, I felt my body tense.
My wolf became anxious.
Mate. He repeated with a growl.
Our mate is on a date with his girlfriend…
Growling, my wolf tried to reach the surface. Clenching my fists, I blocked him.
My mate.
Jeremy. Walked towards me, the brunette still hung off his arm.
She smiled as she noticed me.
“You were with the Luna, right? Do you know her? Is she okay? She looked upset.” The girl rambled on.
Holding in a growl at the sight of her arm around my mate, I forced myself to be polite.
“Yes, yes and yes. We’re friends, she went into labor, so we all rushed her to the pack hospital.”
Her eyes brightened slightly before she sighed.
“That's amazing, I just love babies. I can't wait until after the wedding and we can start trying.”
Her adoring gaze went back to Jeremy before she turned back to me.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. I’m Chloe and this is my mate, Jeremy. We’re the Alpha and Luna of the Nightwalker pack.”
Sharpe pain ripped through my chest as she explained my mate was hers, not just on a date but her chosen mate and fiancée.
Through the whole exchange he never so much as looked at me, his eyes remained on Chloe.
How dare he treat me like I don’t even exist. My hurt quickly turned to anger as he refused to even treat me like I existed.
“I’m Wes. I really should be getting back to my friends, but it was nice to meet you.”
“You too.” She said, sounding more than a little disappointed as I turned to leave.

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